1871: After a two-year sabbatical in his home country, French Ambassador Anselm Bonaccord accepts a new post as the French ambassador to Britain. He relocates to London with his wife, Enora, and three young sons.
1873: September 22 – Hermia Lisette Enora Bonaccord is born during an early autumn storm, at St. Mungo’s, following the most difficult of Mrs. Bonaccord’s pregnancies. She adamantly declares that this is the absolute last time she will have a child. Charles, 8, and Silvius, 6, are quick to love their little sister; Pierre, barely 3, wants nothing to do with his new sibling.
1877: -Muggle Queen Victoria is attacked, wizards are expelled and found Hogsmeade Village.
-Ambassador Bonaccord sends his wife and children back to France for their safety
-Charles begins studying at Beauxbatons
1879: -Ambassador Bonaccord accepts temporary post in French Tunisia
-Silvius begins at Beauxbatons
-On a trip to the sea, Hermia sees dolphins for the first time and declares her wish to become one. In a moment of adult inattention, Pierre holds her under the water, later swearing to his mother that he was giving Hermia her wish.
1881: Pierre never receives his invitation from Beauxbatons, confirming his parent’s fear. Wondering aloud at dinner, a 7-year-old Hermia asks what a “squib” is. An already rocky sibling relationship further breaks down.
-Hermia wakes to Pierre’s hands around her throat, wondering why she just won’t die and go away. Hermia remembers grabbing his hands, feeling everything warm, and then a flash of light. Her parents found Pierre with smoldering hands howling on the floor, and Hermia staring down in confusion. Her big brother didn’t look so big in that moment. Her first true showing of magic seemed to truly unravel something in Pierre.
1883: The Bonaccords consider a new posting to the UK a few years before Hermia is slated to begin at Hogwarts to help her readjust to British life. Pierre is bitter at the move and reminds Hermia with every breath.
-Hermia is with her family, minus Pierre, to see Egypt defeat France in the World Cup final. She asks father for her first broom.
1884: The Laughing Plague kills Charles’ intended, Hermia’s last summer with her family is an uneasy one
1885: Hermia begins her Hogwarts career and is sorted into Hufflepuff. She confronts homesickness and the strangeness of being surrounded by so much British everything by building a small army of friends and throwing herself into clubs. When the History Club found out she could recite the Statute of Secrecy in its entirety, and that she was descended from the Bonaccords, she found a bit of instant bookish notoriety. She also learned that ‘normal’ people’s parents didn’t make they memorize ancient statue as a mark of family pride. She wasn’t amused.
1886: Hermia earns her parents’ permission to join the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team and earns a spot as a Chaser. She leaves the Book Club due to the absolutely boring things considered proper for ladies to read. She can recite the first two books of the Odyssey, for Merlin’s sake.
1889: July – On a rare trip back to the family home in France, the entire family was back in one place. For the first time in years, Pierre seemed to be in good spirits. That afternoon on the way in from the stables, he forcibly cut off Hermia’s braid, labeling the act as something to remember him by. It was the first time in her memory, that Hermia fought back, breaking his nose before Charles pulled her off. For his part, Silvius hexed Pierre soundly. All Pierre did was laugh. For all their magic, he, the Squib, was still the only one of them not slaves to lies. Whatever that meant.
Hermia remembers waking to her mother screaming and her father crying, something she never remembers hearing. Pierre killed himself around midnight, on his nineteenth birthday. He looked smug hanging there, finally free of his worthless family, the pity of wizards, and, he stressed, his stupid sister. His only true regret being he hadn’t killed her first.
Hermia learns she was chosen as a Prefect. The news is overshadowed by the family's grief.
September – Hermia convinces her parents to let her go back to school. Whether it’s because of some guilt over failing to notice how abusive Pierre’d become before his death, or the need to be free of all reminders, Hermia doesn’t ask. Her parents must have notified her Head of House and Headmaster, but Hermia mentions Pierre even less than usual to her peers. She becomes almost fanatical in her studies and subtly distances herself from others. The keen observer would notice her lack of genuine enthusiasm for nearly everything.
1890: Hermia’s fifth year and O.W.L.s behind her, she reluctantly returns home to await her scores and to parents that she barely recognizes after her brother’s suicide. Mother's mentioning engagements and father is…quiet. If she’s honest, she doesn’t miss Pierre as she thinks she should, but she would endure all his cruelty if it meant having her family back.