1872: Friendless is born on a cold November 6th and is promptly left on the doorsteps of a wizarding orphanage. He was left without a name or any word at all which almost gave him the name of Nameless. Instead, it became Friendless as the matron was sure that a baby with such red hair could never have friends due to her own distate and superstitions about the hair color. He was given the surname Night for the brilliantly creative fact that he was discovered and brought in at night.
1876: Friendless shows his first signs of magic so he supposes that at least he isn't a squib. Most of his time is spent doing countless errands and chores for the matron of the orphanage.
1877: Muggles discover magic and there are riots. It's rather terrifying and the matron keeps all the children in lockdown until the danger has passed and everything is set to rights. She briefly considers moving her operation to Hogsmeade but decides that the effort isn't worth it - especially for a bunch of kids no one wanted anyway.
1880: Friendless is put into work in the orphanages sewing room which services a large clothing company. Yep, it's a sweat shop.
1883: Friendless and a group of the orphanages kids are given the privelage of attending the Quidditch World Cups games - on the caveat that they discreetly pickpocket spectators. Endy finds himself quite adept at thievery.
1884: Endy is among a group of kids that were sent to the carnival and subsequently ends up trapped within the quarantine. Not that he knows it at the time but his Hogwarts letter comes that July but when the time for school arrives after the lifting of the quarantine, it is decided that he will not go since he has no funds for even the most basic of supplies, according to the orphanage matron.
1886: Endy runs away from the orphanage and manages to make his way back to Hogsmeade where he ekes out a living for himself through various odd jobs as well as petty crime.
1888: Friendless is offered money for certain intimate services. He declines at first but this isn't the first time the request comes. Eventually, he warms up to the idea. Over a period of a few months, Endy "loses his virginity" many times over when he realizes that people will pay quite a bit to be the one to take it. Endy decides this is a very lucrative and sometimes pleasurable way to make a living so keeps at it.
1889: Endy and a slumrat friend take part in the Pumpkin Regatta but barely make it off the shore because neither are particularly good at rowing a boat, much less a pumpkin.
1890: Endy's life is currently a mixture of debauchery, trying to survive and making the most out of what life has handed to him as he can.
December 26, 1890: Endy is attacked by a werewolf and becomes one.