1872 | Jemima is born to Ikenna and Bess Farley in Tutshill, England. Both her parents come from wizarding families, and are very fond of each other – nearly as fond as they both are of muggles, and they are fascinated by all aspects of muggle life. Both black sheep in their usual circles, it was this likeness that brought them together many years ago. (Imagine having two Arthur Weasleys for parents. Good. Now you know what they're like.)
1874 | Jemima just about remembers another baby being born, a little boy called Noah who spends most of his time screaming at the nonplussed nanny. Jemima spends most of her time trotting about in the company of her older siblings, Delilah and Zipporah – and her eldest brother when he's home. Everyone gets along, but Jemima struggles a little to find her feet among them nonetheless: she is a shy child, and prone to being a little high-strung about rule-following and the dreadful thought of getting in trouble.
1875 | Delilah heads off to Hogwarts, leaving Zipporah, Jemima and Noah at home.
1877 | Tucked away in their wizarding village, the uproar of 1877 passes Jemima by (though her parents certainly have opinions on magical-muggle relations).
1878 | The children's governess-led education is supplemented by her mother teaching them about (and testing them on) Weird Muggle Things, and her father taking the family out on holidays, where they attempt to do everything "muggle style". Apparently that's fun. Jemima goes along with most everything obediently and unquestionably, but finally finds a voice of her own in following her mother's suggestion to start to journal.
1880 | Jemima is polite and protective towards everyone she loves, but equally protective of her secrets, and when Noah tries to snatch her precious diary when he finds its hiding place, it spontaneously vanishes, and Jemima finds it later having magically reappeared in her stocking-drawer. Zipporah goes to Hogwarts this year.
1884 | Jemima has grown somewhat in confidence as the eldest child in the household, which is fortunate because she is off to Hogwarts this September, and really wants to make a good impression! She is sorted into Hufflepuff, which is not much of a surprise, and makes a fair few friends, which rather is!
1885 | She is not the smartest student, but she likes all manner of written work and doesn't mind Charms, either.
1886 | In third year, she gets to choose some more classes, and selects Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies. Jemima flip-flops a little on the last - while, with parents like hers, she is interested, and knows she'll do well, she also isn't fond of the odd looks members of her family get, sometimes. She certainly doesn't want to seem weird! Anyway, she's not that weird, she thinks, as long as she doesn't embarrass herself. (She embarrasses herself over the Christmas holidays, a lot a lot a lot, by finding herself under the mistletoe with a boy! They kiss, and she likes it very much, but this is terrible and awful and catastrophic, because she doesn't want to disgrace herself years before she even becomes a debutante, and also because she's terrified if she ever speaks to him again now he'll know how much she likes him and that he won't care about her anymore, or maybe just think that she's a terrible kisser.)
1887 | So she goes back to school, and avoids him as much as humanly possible, and gets through fourth year by continuing to write in her diary (she has a whole set of them back at home, now) about every big (or little) or embarrassing thing that ever happens to her or her schoolmates. One day she'll look back on these and laugh, won't she?
1888 | They are quite removed from the fog that hits Hogsmeade, down in Tutshill, but her parents are very perturbed by the rest of the wizarding world's uselessness at understanding how to live like a muggle. Jemima is more perturbed about her upcoming fifth year, thank you very much.
1889 | January's term begins with a most unpleasant surprise. Someone (Kristoffer Lestrange) has gotten hold of her beloved diary (Frida's fault) and has spread copies all over the school. Everyone's read it. And everyone's... rather angry about what she's written about them. Cue much crying in the corridors and a few too many confrontations, as students' secrets and scandals come out all over Hogwarts. Thomas Montgomery even turns the contents of her schoolbag into mice.
1890 | She is sorry for it, really she is. Jemima lives through the aftermath of this quietly, more insecure than ever.
1891 | But finally she is set to be unleashed upon society – and perhaps this will be a fresh start. (She gets a nosebleed during the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball, but maybe after that?) Her NEWT scores are less than exemplary, so Jemima's whole self worth now relies upon her securing a suitable marriage... and in the meantime, she is Big Stress.