1865 | Thistle is born. Being the third girl it is not entirely surprising that her father feels a few pangs of disappointment that she is not the son he was hoping for.
1870 | Her first act of magic comes shortly after Daffy is born. Having been kept firmly away during the birth and again from the nursery she throws a tantrum and the door knob to the nursery transfigures into a flower. Which made such little sense she was amused right out of her foul mood.
1876 | Thistle happily heads to Hogwarts, excited be able to use the wand she was already quite fond of. She’s a bit confused when she’s sorted into Ravenclaw. The hat says something about her natural curiosity and sends her on her way before she could muster much of a protest.
1877 | The family moves to Hogsmeade and while they don’t have nearly as much space as their old home Thistle rather likes that they can now live openly with magic. It just feels more honest and organic and she can only imagine their magical plants feel the same.
1878 | She picks up earth magic and care of magical creatures as electives. They seem like a natural choice for her and feels at home in them though her favorite continues to be transfiguration, hands down.
1880 | For newts she takes an ill advised 6 courses because she’s in Ravenclaw and it was all either too interesting or useful to just let go of. She elects to continue Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, DADA, Earth Magic, and Charms.
1883 | after two hectic years she graduates, having learned her lesson but not necessarily regretting the workload she’d shouldered herself with. Her grades in Earth Magic and Potions had suffered some but she got an O in Transfiguration which is the one she cared most about. She goes to work at the family shop, having had no other work aspirations. She settled into what she calls ‘Growth and development’. She loves combining different species of plants and seeing what will come of them and is never more delighted than when something completely unexpected comes of her efforts.
1884 | Thistle had had an unremarkable and not especially successful coming out, not that it was really a priority of hers. Despite the family’s strange reputation she’d entertained the attention of a few men but come the Summer of ‘84 it was all pushed to the wayside. By the time Fall arrived Thistle had survived a brush with the plague, lost an aunt, and all her would be suitors had either died, moved, or were busy patching their own lives back together. She is not especially disappointed. Near-death experiences really put a sour spin on picnics and affectionate letters.
1886 | Struck by a very strange and unwelcome maternal urge, she satisfies this by adopting a gimpy Screechsnap sprout that she names Freddie.
1888 | Resulting from a fit of boredom and a bizarre stroke of inspiration Thistle embarks on her newest project which is Super Sekret and the only way to truly keep it secret is to conduct her experiments in her bedroom.