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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Roslyn Ross
144 Posts
Played by Kayte
Wife to the Minister of Magic
32 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 1 in.
❤   Married
Full Name: Roslyn Marian Ross née Fisk


Birthdate: August 4th, 1859

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Occupation: Wife to the Minister of Magic

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: Hogsmeade

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hazel, eleven inches precisely, with a demiguise hair core. Rigid.

Justin Ross, Husband [1846]
Idris Ross, Son [1878]
Rhiannon Ross, Daughter [1886]

Brannon Fisk, Father [1825]
Delia Fisk née Davis, Mother [1832-1884]
Ari Fisk, Brother [1851], and family
Julian Fisk, Brother [1853]
Katia Meadowes née Fisk, Sister [1854], and family
Konstantin Fisk, Brother [1857]
Leonid Fisk, Brother [1861]
Xena Bixby nee Fisk, Sister [1861], and family
Dorian Fisk, Brother [1864]
Nemo Fisk, Brother [1866]
Zelda Darrow nee Fisk, Sister [1868], and family
Roslyn Ross has the sturdy build of a woman who has had two healthy children and kept her health herself. At five feet and one inch, she is easily the shortest of her siblings, but that does not make her the least imposing by any stretch. Her dark blonde hair is all her own, but grey eyes are shared throughout the family. She is right-handed.

Her PB is Brie Larson.
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Ten children. It is a feat by any measure, but Roslyn feels as though her mother always made it look easy. The sheer number of them ensured that the elder could always help with the younger, and in fact Ari was all but finished at Hogwarts by the time Zelda entered the world. Still, it is a feat Roslyn never wished to attempt for herself, for though she loved and loves each and every member of her family with every inch of her heart, the quieter life was the one that always appealed. Less drama. Less noise.

Her first act of magic was precisely in this wheelhouse, when she gently caused a leaf to bud on a tree in the dead of winter. It promptly died, which was rather shocking to the four-year-old who immediately sought to bring it back again and again, but she’s gone on in much that fashion ever since—quiet but confident; reserved but stubborn.

Roslyn was sorted easily into Hufflepuff when she departed for Hogwarts, making her the second—but certainly not last!—badger in the Fisk brood. She quickly found that life with her sisters had prepared her well for life in the dormitories, but continued to yearn for a solace she only found in the school’s greenhouses. With a gardener’s thumb, Herbology quickly became the witch’s best subject.

She graduated in 1877, a fact that would have been largely unremarkable had she not met Mr. Justin Ross at her coming out. In spite of a moderate age difference and decidedly different natures, Roslyn finds herself inexplicably in love at first sight, and the two are married by year’s end, welcoming a son, Idris, less than a year later.

The role of mother and the role of wife suit her immensely, but she finds herself shunning her husband’s nocturnal company. After all, with her mother and Katia so fertile, what’s to stop her womb from swelling if she so much as contemplates her husband’s penis?! This goes on for the better part of a year before she’s forced to actually discuss the matter with her husband (how embarrassing!) who consents to contraceptive methods (ie: agrees to ‘pull out’ until she awkwardly gives him a condom two Christmases later) in the interests of preserving their marriage.

The years of her marriage are spent in a comfortable rhythm of caring for their son, a loving marriage, and growing the small garden in the rear of their home tenfold (not to mention adding a greenhouse)! Eventually, the awkward condom disintegrates after years of use and the couple returns to their former system, which blesses them with an unintended daughter in 1886.

In the wake of Minister Urquart’s 1887 resignation, Justin reveals his intentions of running for Minister of Magic. To a woman who has spent much of her life free of the drama that has long plagued her siblings, this sounds like an awfully sure way to be thrust into the limelight in a way that doesn’t suit her at all. Still, he is her husband and she loves him. More importantly, she believes most fervently that Minister Ross would be in the best interests of the wizarding community. It is, she decides, her duty to ensure her husband achieves this goal.

Ross takes to the position of Minister of Magic flawlessly. Ros takes to the position of Minister's wife decidedly less so.

Selected Timeline
1859Roslyn is the fifth child born into the Fisk family.

1861Leonid and Xena are born.

1864Dorian is born, the first new arrival that Ros recalls.

1866Nemo is born; Ros has her first act of magic.

1868Zelda is born.

1870Ros departs for Hogwarts, and is sorted into Hufflepuff.

1877Finished her studies, Ros meets Justin Ross at the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball. They are married by year's end.

1878Roslyn delivers a healthy son, Idris.

1886Though not at all intentional, daughter Rhiannon is no less cherished when she makes her arrival into the world.

1887Ross is elected Minister of Magic. Ros is happy for him, but not happy.

1888Ari startles the family with his rather abrupt decision to marry Miss Tweedy (a nice gir, but curious choice).

1891In March, the admittedly aging Xena marries Tristan Bixby. Later in the year, Zelda becomes Zelda Darrow, a fact that Ros is still doing her best to come to terms with.

1892In January, she informs her husband that she is expecting again. Dionisia goes missing in February; it is later revealed that she has been turned into an animal by some mad zookeeper.

  • Languages: Fluent in English with basic French.

  • Boggart: Any of her children, dead.
  • Amortentia: Lilacs, earth, and Ross' cologne.
  • Roslyn is quite the herbology nerd, and keeps a greenhouse at the rear of the house.

Roslyn Ross's Most Liked Post: RE: you pick a fight, and I'll define it | Post Subject: you pick a fight, and I'll define it | Numbers of Likes: 3