December, 1863 | In New York, a baby is born. Though he bears his mother’s name, she and her English lover both swear he is the very image of his father.
1864 - 1875 | Albion’s childhood is as full as his mother can make it. Their home in a magical neighbourhood in Brooklyn, financed by his father, is a comfortable one, though Alby knows that the neighbours are more aware of their status than his mother might like. His father visits once or twice a year, and Albion is always delighted to see him. He is jealous, though, to hear news of the half-siblings he has never—and likely will never—met, but does the best a boy can to tamp these feelings down. His mother has made it clear that their presence should not be a negative one to his father.
1875 - 1882 | For the first time, Alby leaves Brooklyn, departing for Ilvermorny. Here, he is placed in the Wampus house, though makes friends throughout the school—some of whom fade away when they learn the… nuances of his parentage, but others who value Albion for himself; it is the latter group with whom he remains friends into adulthood.
At school, he is a capable student, though distractible. He is not a class clown per se, but happy to be the sidekick to the class clown, while simultaneously working to ensure his marks remain strong. He also stays out of trouble enough that he won’t get removed from the Wampus quodpot team, taking to the sport right away.
While he is away for his third year, his mother delivers a daughter by her new paramour.
1882 | Albion finishes his schooling, and spends the summer touring America with his father, who visits to mark the occasion. The two have not seen one another since he began at Ilvermorny so Alby is quite nervous about making a good impression.
Following the conclusion of these travels, Albion returns to Brooklyn, where he takes a Sensible Job™ at MACUSA, working within the Quodpot League.
1883 | This lasts less than a year. Though he made the practical decision in part for her, Albion’s mother encourages him to try out for the local quodpot team—he is successful, and elated to be able to play the sport instead of organize it.
1888 | He does this for another five years before a particularly violent quod costs him a finger. It is not much, in the grand scheme of things and, truth be told, unlikely to happen again, but the sensible side of Alby’s mind won’t allow him to continue playing. He returns to his former division of MACUSA.
1893 |
It was consumption that claimed his mother—so tediously muggle an ailment ending so vivacious a life. Though neither Picquery child was orphaned by Emmeline’s passing, things changed greatly for them both, with Albion taking on the custody and care of his sister (though her father was less physically distant than his own, he had been physically, emotionally, and financially absent since before she began her schooling). He writes, of course, to his father to tell him of Emmeline’s passing—indeed, he and his father had exchanged monthly letters for years, though theirs was still quite a superficial relationship and is startled when Erasmus replies encouraging him to come to England!
Initially, Albion declines—he has Hettie to think of, after all. But his father is persistent…
1894 | With Hettie safely ensconced back at school following the Christmas holidays, Albion makes the journey to England for the first time, a guest in his father’s London home. Trepidation and awkwardness are wholly expected, but what was not expected was the fact that his half-siblings—and his stepmother—seemingly had no idea of his existence! |