MAY 1875 | Victoria Elisabeth is born to pet shop owner, Charles Hunter, and his wife, Elsbeth. She was an easy, yet curious baby, and was quick to start exploring her surroundings once she could properly crawl.
APRIL 1878 | Her little brother, Benedict Charles, is born. Tori adored him immediately, and often tried to "help" her mother with the baby, though at three, she was likely to be more of a nuisance than a true help - but Elsbeth appreciated the effort all the same!
AUTUMN 1880 | Tori started attending a schoolhouse in the village. She was a good student, picking up reading and writing swiftly, though was slower to master arithmetic. Her mother filled in the gap of more practical pursuits, such as sewing and running a household. Up until she was nine, they shared the expense of a tutor with another family in the neighborhood, which allowed Tori to learn the basics of art and music, though she doesn't have a particular talent for either.
SUMMER 1882 | Tori was seven when she displayed her first act of magic, magically healing a cut on her brother’s knee after he fell at the park.
SPRING 1884 | Tori was nine when her budding interest in Herbology and Potioneering began. As part of the business, her father often made his own tinctures, treats, and remedies for animal wellness, which Tori found fascinating to watch. She wasn’t allowed to touch anything, of course, but her father did let her observe and it became something of a bonding activity between the two of them. Victoria would pull up a stool next to him where he was working, and would quiz him about all the different ingredients and their medicinal properties, which Charles - patient man that he was - was only too happy too happy to indulge her curiosity.
SUMMER 1886 | Victoria received her Hogwarts letter, and in her excitement, barely let her parents wait a week before shopping for school supplies. She had been particularly excited to get her first (and only) wand, a sturdy 12”, Alderwood with a Unicorn Tail Hair core.
SEPT. 1886 - MAY 1887 - FIRST YEAR | The Sorting Hat was barely on her head a minute before it declared her a Hufflepuff. While attending Hogwarts exceeded her expectations, the novelty of being away from home for the first time eventually wore off, and she ended up missing her parents and Ben quite a bit. Academically, she was a bright student, finding that her prior knowledge of plants and remedies came in handy during Herbology and Potions class and was good at the hands-on subjects, but was less interested in pure theory like History of Magic and Magic Theory.
SEPT. 1887 - MAY 1888 - SECOND YEAR | Though minus Magic Theory and Flying classes, not much happened in her second year, though she did join Gardening and Potions Clubs.
SEPT. 1888 - MAY 1889 - THIRD YEAR | Tori added Care of Magical Creatures and Earth Magic to her class load. While having pet shop owners as parents gave her a slight advantage in Care of Magical Creatures class, it did make her realize that she didn't wish to work with them herself.
SEPT. 1889 - MAY 1890 - FOURTH YEAR| Benedict joined Tori at Hogwarts as a Gryffindor, an apt placement she had to admit, though she also couldn't help her disappointment as she would have loved to have him in Hufflepuff. Over the Christmas holidays, she announced to her parents that she wished to become a Healer, which they were supportive of.
SUMMER 1890 | Tori and Ben returned home for the summer to a changed household. While their parents appeared to be carrying on as normal, there was an underlying tension that wasn't there before that the kids couldn't help but notice, though Tori couldn't figure out why. The reason finally came to light late one night as Tori, looking to get water, overheard her parents talking in the kitchen. The financial pressure to put both children through school (among other financial stressors) was putting strain on their relationship, and while they still intended to remain together for appearances sake and to support their children's dreams, it was the breakdown of their otherwise happy marriage. Victoria had crept back up to bed, feeling guilty (was her declaration to become a Healer last year the reason for the struggle?), but determined to make her parents' sacrifice worth it.
SEPT. 1890 - MAY 1891 - FIFTH YEAR | Tori sat her OWLs with a renewed perspective on her schooling and pressure to do well. She spent a good majority of the time studying and could often be found in the library. Her efforts were rewarded with Outstandings in Herbology, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures, and Exceeds Expectations in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Earth Magic.
SEPT. 1891 - MAY 1892 - SIXTH YEAR | After a discussion with her Head of House, Victoria continued her NEWT studies with the core classes of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Transfiguration with the intent of going into Healing.
SEPT. 1892 - MAY 1893 - SEVENTH YEAR | Victoria completed her NEWTs and graduated with stellar scores. She also debuted into society during the Hogwarts' Coming Out Ball, and had entertained a prospect or two over the summer before NEWT scores arrived, but her brief foray into debutante life ended once she became a trainee healer at Hogsmeade Hospital in July.
SUMMER 1894 - PRESENT | Victoria is promoted to Junior Healer, settling on the Potion and Plant Poisoning department as her main area of focus. In between work and family obligations, she does attempt to find a husband, though currently neither her nor her parents are putting any undue pressure on that front.