Joseph has pale skin and light blonde hair. He has one blue eye and one eye that has no coloured iris, due to his goblin heritage. His most distinguishing feature are his generous and pointed ears, again, inherited from his father. He stands four feet and one inch tall and typically wears a black dress coat. He is right handed
1849: Born in Northampton he was the first son of his human mother and goblin father. His mother was a welcome witch of curious taste working at Grimgotts and Olgrick was a banker who took a shone to the pretty girl. His good job helped her parents mostly overlook their obvious reservations.
1854: First magical experience, All the family ironware somehow transformed to silver. His father got a tidy sum from the haul but the child was unable to replicate the effect regardless of parental encouragement.
1860: Started Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin where he flourished, was awarded an academic scholarship after showing his gifted mind in his first year.
1862: Takes Arithmancy as one of his electives, enjoys it thoroughly and starts trying to apply it to horse and dog races that his father takes him too. With varying success.
1864: Was nearly expelled after bullying aimed in his direction leads to an underage duel resulting in injury. Lengthy discussions amongst the faculty eventually ruled that the other party was responsible and Joseph's actions were in response to prolonged provocation.
1865: Excellent results in his OWLs and he continues into his NEWTS
1867: Passes NEWTS with fantastic results and wantes to work at the bank like his father but is not accepted to the role the wants due to his half human heritage so has to settle with job that is beneath him, he was too smart and too good with numbers to be working security. He supplements this wage with arithmancy assisted gambling.
1870: He has a little brush with some rival gambling enthusiasts and has to lie low for a while in birmingham also making several more unsavoury connections in the Birmingham racing underworld.
1871: Briefly tries to go straight, finding a productive accountancy job but his past won't stop haunting him.
1872: Moves to and spends the next few years in America doing a few tutoring and financial jobs but also working as part of a gambling racket with a connection he had made while working in Birmingham on International races.
1876: Meets his wife for the first time, the daughter of one of the gang heads. She is eighteen and well out of his league but they quickly become romantically involved.
1878: A police tip off leads to most of the gang being arrested and imprisoned. Joseph is away from the country escorting his future wife at the request of her father. He suspects this was deliberate to allow the pair to avoid being associated with the soon to be dismantled gang.
1879: Gets privately married in a small ceremony Brooklyn
1880: Has a more public wedding ceremony in Northampton involving friends and family after moving back to england to try to live an honest life.
1883: First child is born, a quarter goblin of course
1885: Trying to find more honest work, Joseph takes a job a s private Arithmancy tutor, seeing students that were not able to attend Hogwarts and even some struggling Hogwarts students over the summers.
1887: The descision by Hogwarts to fire all non-humans from their staff is emulated by several other educational bodies in order to not lose face. This includes his own employer, leading to his dismissal.
1887-1890: Finding employment hard and now with two children to feed Joseph slipped back in to some of his more illegal uses of arithmancy, but this time as a matter of family survival and avoids getting involved in other people's money leaving only the book keepers as his targets to avoid suspicion.
1892: Applied to Hogwarts now the ban on non-humans is lifted, it's an honest living and he was good at it. He is rejected.
1893: rejected again by Hogwarts
1894: one last try before giving up for good, he applies to Hogwarts as Arithmancy professor and is surprised that the board of governors hires him.
Joseph is quite a quiet man and small, if he had been fully human most would have simply ignored him and let him be about his way. He loves his family dearly, he also loves money and is very good at using arithmancy to seemingly pull money out of nowhere. He is obsessed with patterns in numbers, playing little games like predicting which students will be late to class based on the marks in his register for the previous weeks. He is middle class but gets treated as lower due to his heritage and is irked when people treat him as a race rather than a person. He adores his wife and she is the one person other than his children that he lets see his vulnerabilities as he has hardened himself to the rest of the world. He is trying to live an honest life for his family, but it is not always easy as it was never who he is naturally and has the odd relapses into his old ways of questionable gambling practices, and still maintains some of those former connections. But his wife knew who he was from day one so as long as he stays out of prison and returns to her after briefly warming another’s bed, he can keep her heart.