Victor is a very tall young man who has not lost his boyhood face yet. He is quite handsome, even pretty, from certain angles. On closer inspection though, there are faults to his looks that disturb the pleasant first impression — His eyes are a nice green, sure but they are a tad too big for his face and seem to bulge a bit sometimes. His brow often conveys a mean expression. He has a pointed nose and his lips are girlishly full and red and can twist into an unbecoming sneer in the blink of an eye.
As a young man from high society, he is most often dressed in their affectated fashions.
He is left handed and lanky. Victor is either lazing around or moving about with unnerving restlessness, causing some sort of commotion.
Victor Frey is born, the first son of Randolph and Catherine Frey. He is followed by five younger siblings and has one elder sister, rounding the brood of the Frey family to seven.
The servants and parents dote on him and give him the most attention out of all the siblings.
Victor has his first incident of magic while having a tantrum about getting dressed, disintegrating every sock or shoe the maid tries to put on his little feet.
1883 - 1990
Hogwarts starts and Victor gets sorted into Gryffindor. It’s the first place where he experiences a semblance of boundaries and he struggles to adjust. He becomes the class clown.
His teachers have their hands full with him and many owls are sent to his parents, but they handwave away any issues. Victor excels in any subject where he can throw spells around and fails at potions, history of magic, astronomy, and divination. He plays beater for the quidditch team.
In his NEWTS he gets Os in charms and transfiguration and an E in DaDa. The rest he flunks out of.
1991 - present
Adulthood starts and his family unleashes their eldest son on society. He leaves the family estate in Norfolk to “take care” of the former town home in London, which has fallen into disrepair. Victor gets the idea to turn it into a magical hotel of absurdities but is presently too busy with drinking and chasing working-class girls to get anything done.
In short, Victor is a brazen and capricious youth whose upbringing did him no favors. He often puts his worst foot forward and delights in mayhem and mischief and has never known consequences, nor has he learned to wait out his moods before acting.
Of course, he is also a person that experiences profound emotions. At his core he is driven by the following things:
Friction - his ways of testing boundaries, provoking and instigating are the expression of an energy that seeks intimacy.
Pushing on - Victor is always pushing through cycles of emotional highs and lows, going from elation to depression, to change, to relief and starting anew. Living in a state of perpetual turbulence, he has developed the ability to stay level-headed through it all and just laugh about himself and everyone else.
Inhibition - he has the desire to connect, but the inability to effectively do so. He talks all day long all manner of nonsense, but when the time comes to speak from the heart, he becomes shy.
Ideas - there are a lot of bright, unconventional ideas in his head. And he has the drive and means to go after them.
Intuitive Insight - Victor lives in the now. Intuitive awareness of his surroundings keeps him safe and alert. He has a fine sense for danger.