1866: Born to Cecil and Elizabeth Potts, their second child after Edmund who is three at this time.
1871: First magical experience, waking up terrifies covered in scales like a lizard. A trip to hospital cleared all that up.
1873: Fletcher is born and Dorothea is quite happy to see another little boy
1877: Start’s Hogwarts and is placed in Hufflepuff, she adores it, like all Potts she gravitates initially towards the greenhouses, but quickly finds other interests too, particularly enjoying Astronomy, divination and Etiquette classes. She is never the brightest student but she tries.
1879: A sister is born, Dorothea is happy for her parents and loves the new baby even if a little part of her feels scared her daddy will forget about her while she is away in school.
1882: Passes her OWLS with fairly average results but with a special note from her etiquette instructor.
1884: Finishes her NEWTS and graduates, she has a brief courtship with a handsome young man immediately following her debut but they prove to be incompatible.
1887: now living at home, Dorothea takes a job as a lady in waiting under a house governess in a house in Wellingtonshire, she also takes an interest in helping her mother take care of her increasingly tearaway little sister.
1890: Is promoted to governess when the current governess dies suddenly of an unknown illness, she slips into the role very well and enjoys looking after the children. Whilst they are at Hogwarts she is kept on a retainer by the family to ensure her continued presence during the school holidays and to prevent need to find an alternative governess should Thea be hired elsewhere. It is at this point that her younger sister starts Hogwarts, the smart little girl ending up in Ravenclaw.
1890: Chatting with friends who find her brand of advice to be quite useful, she begins taking letters of women in need of confidential advice and giving tips to them. Becoming something of an agony aunt.
1891: Briefly entertained an older gentleman who hoped to wed her, he even proposed. It something didn't feel right so she declined, she was lucky as the man married soon after and she hears that the wife is terribly unhappy.
January 1892: With her first governess role coming to an end following the engagement of her ward she moves on to a new family. She will miss the last family very much but stays in contact with the now adult daughter. Her new employer, in a hurry to replace the previous governess for
Hyacinth Valenduris, took on Thea based on glowing references and luckily the young Valenduris took to the new governess right away.
Dorothea has wisdom and is often the best person around her to mediate connections or conflicts between people, or so she believes. She is kind hearted, loves her siblings very much and has a positive relationship with them, but their relationship often has elements of manipulation and intrigue. Her sister in particular she can be a little bit overbearing toward having assumed the role of almost a second mother to her. But she does mean well. She enjoys deriving personal benefit from any advice she gives, be it tangible benefit like pay, or less tangible rewards like feeling as if noone could have fixed a problem but her. She is looking for a husband currently who will take her from her governess role as her age seems to have crept up on her and she can see thirty only a few summers away. Perhaps she should stop playing matchmaker for Edmund and focus on Dorothea.