i want adventure in the great wide somewhere,
i want it more than i can tell |
1876 | This is the last one, the healers tell Margaret Ravenswood, as she holds her newborn daughter. Whether or not the babe survives, they say, she will be the last that Margaret will survive. Margaret insists that, yes, this child will survive, because she has to. Simply for no other reason than that she must. |
1877 | As the magical world faces what many believe is certain collapse, indeed, that baby girl does survive, and she thrives. She thrives so well that on her first birthday, Edgar and Margaret sit their older children down and inform them that their baby sister, their last sister, is Desdemona Elisabeth. |
1880 | A little late to the game, the Ravenswoods purchase a house in Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade, deciding to make it a permanent base so long as at least one of the children is attending Hogwarts. Fittingly, it is purchased the first season Cordelia is out, allowing her better access to society on a daily basis. However, not all is as happy as it seems, as in a rare moment of defiance as the nanny packs up her toys, Desdemona magically manages to make the entire box erupt like a volcano of toys, shattering porcelain dolls in the process. |
1882 | Cordelia marries. Desdemona is the flower girl. |
1884 | Margaret falls victim to disease, and passes from this world over Christmas at the young age of forty-three. |
1887 | Desdemona is the final recipient in the Ravenswood household of a Hogwarts acceptance letter. It's really a bittersweet moment for Margaret and Edgar, who are faced with seeing their youngest off into the world. |
and for once it might be grand
to have someone understand |
1887-89 First Years | Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Desdemona is surprised to be sorted to proud and ambitious Slytherin, the house of her mother. She tries to make a fair impression upon her peers and cultivate a circle of friends. It's all quite overwhelming, though, having so many people her own age about. She had grown accustomed to being the youngest in any given room at home. She has Hamlet to support her, at least for the first year — though he barely acknowledges her, with his own studies and friends to mind. |
1889-92 OWL Years | Third year sees Des adding perfectly respectable Divination to her courseload, trying to maintain a balance while also not disappointing her mother. Her ambitions clearly do not lie in academics, however, as she consistently gets rather middling grades in everything except Herbology and Transfiguration, at which she is a natural talent. |
1892-94 NEWT Years | Two years left, and Des is determined to make them count. She cuts her courseload down to four — Astronomy, Divination, Herbology, and Transfiguration — and decides to focus on herself more than her friends. Careful planning leads to what she would call a perfect debutante gown for the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball. She fully intends to be a belle of the season — perhaps not the ultimate, but quite up there. |
i want so much more than they've got planned |