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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Regina Pendergast
16 Posts
Played by Kayte
First Year
11 year old Pureblood
First Year
4 ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Regina Aphrodite Pendergast

G and Little G are most common.

Birthdate: February 3rd, 1883

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Occupation: The Least Tragic Orphan

Blood Status: Pureblood

Abercrombie House in Southampton.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Regina has the same wand her mother used in her early years: 9½ inches of mahogany, with a unicorn tail hair.

Philip Pendergast, Father [1826-1884]
Olivia Pendergast née Lestrange, Mother [1837-1887]
Regan Pendergast, Brother [1861]
— Aoife Pendergast nee Ward, Sister-in-Law [1862]
— Stella Pendergast, Niece [1882]
— Ramona Pendergast, Niece [1882]
— Duncan Pendergast, Nephew [1884-1884]
Eloise Manwaring née Pendergast, Sister [1862]
— Linford "Ford" Manwaring, Brother-in-Law [1855-1893]
— Philip Manwaring, Nephew [1881]
— Lester Manwaring, Nephew [1885]
Evelyn Abercrombe nee Pendergast, Sister & Guardian [1863]
— Elwin Abercrombie, Brother-in-Law & Guardian [1850]
— Ares Abercrombie, Nephew & Foster Brother [1884]
— Ambrosia Abercrombie, Niece & Foster Sister [1885]
— Araminta Abercrombie, Niece & Foster Sister [1888]
— Archibald Abercrombie, Nephew & Foster Brother [1891]
William Pendergast, Brother [1864]
— Cornelia Pendergast nee Lestrange, Cousin & Sister-in-Law [1870]
— Isolda Pendergast, Niece [1891]
Rosalind Pendergast, Sister [1866]
Ellory Lestrange nee Pendergast, Sister [1867-1893]
— Claudius Lestrange, Cousin & Brother-in-Law [1859]
— Simonetta Lestrange, Niece [1891]
Warrick Pendergast, Twin Brother [1883-1884]

Through her large family, Regina is related to the Lestranges, the Macnairs, the Selwyns, and the Macmillans.
At four feet, eight inches, Regina possesses a very slight frame and looks rather like she could be blown over in a strong wind. This is only further reinforced by her typically drawn countenance though her smiles, though seldom given, are broad and bright indeed. She has grey eyes, and has inherited her mother’s dark hair. Though born left-handed, she has been trained to use her right exclusively, and hopes time will tell with which hand she wields a wand. She dresses typically for a young lady of her station in the era.

Her PB is Katelyn Rose Downey.
1882 - 1883Pregnancy, at her age? It was the whispered refrain—never to her face, of course—after it became evident that Olivia Pendergast, already a grandmother, was expecting a child again. She retired early to her confinement, and twins Warrick and Regina came furiously in February of 1883, nearly sending their mother to an early grave. Warrick was born wrong, lame, though Regina does not remember this and has never explicitly been told.

1884Regina’s father and twin perish, ostensibly due to the Laughing Plague. It’s half true, at least.

1887In her first clear memory, Regina is four years old and surrounded by a sea of black—her mother’s funeral, following the tragedy at the World Market. After this, she is whisked away to Southampton to live with the Abercrombies, now her guardians, along with Ellory. The uncertainty and upheaval leads the girl to begin wetting the bed once again, much to the vexation of her new nanny.

1888For the first time, Regina experiences the excitement of a new baby in the house as Araminta is added to the Abercrombie brood. Though technically her niece, she feels as though the squirming bundle is a sister to her, and visits her as much as she is allowed.

1890  Ellory and William both marry children of Uncle Lucius, leaving Regina to wonder which of her cousins she will be matched with. Cousin Cassius, she decides, would not be an unpleasant option, as he is quite fun and Ellory likes him a great deal. Besides, Cicero is too young, and her Macnair cousins seem more peculiar.

1891  Almost in 1892, Evey has another baby, this time a boy called Archibald. She is not nearly so attached to him as to Minty.

1892Nine years old, Regina has yet to experience signs of magic, a fact which causes her a great deal of anxiety. She knows what a squib is, and knows it would be mortifying if she were to be one—never mind that everyone else in the house, even little Araminta,  has already shown signs! This anxiety reignites uneasy sleeping and occasional bed-wetting, both of which just redouble the anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle. If only she could magic it all away!

1893Now widowed, Regina’s eldest sister (and her children) move back to Britain. Later, Regina and the Abercrombies are in London when the dragons get loose, though the household  remains unscathed. Unfortunately, this does not extend to her sister Ellory, who perishes.

1894Regina also still has not shown signs of magic, and the clock is ticking—what will happen to her if she does not?

G's fears are replaced with embarrassment after a rather dramatic—and very public—first act of magic in July.

  • Languages: English, a grasp of simple French.

  • Boggart: Herself, trying (and failing utterly) to produce magic
  • Amortentia: TBD
  • Though eleven years old, Regina is still prone to occasional nighttime accidents, she just has the presence of mind to be mortified by them now.
  • Regina has no musical talent in any way, shape, or form.
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