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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ramona Pendergast
50 Posts
Played by Bee
First Year
12 year old Pureblood
First Year
4 ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Ramona Aisling Pendergast

Nickname(s): Mona, Mo, Na-Na, Nani

Birthdate: November 22nd, 1882

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Blood Status: pureblood

Residence: Wellingtonshire

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: 8 ¼" dogwood, unicorn hair (exact same as her twin's) flexible
"Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun... An interesting foible of many dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy."

Regan Pendergast | [1861] father, quidditch sponsor
Aoife Pendergast née Ward | [1862] mother
Stella Pendergast | [1882] twin sister
Duncan Pendergast | [1884-1884] brother
Philip Pendergast | [1826-1884] grandfather
Olivia Pendergast née Lestrange | [1837-1887] grandmother
Eloise Manwaring née Pendergast | [1862] aunt & family
Evelyn Abercrombie née Pendergast | [1863] aunt & family
William Pendergast | [1864] uncle & family
Rosalind Pendergast | [1866]
Ellory Lestrange née Pendergast | [1867-1893] aunt & family
Regina Pendergast | [1883] aunt
Warrick Pendergast | [1883-1884]
Finlay Ward grandfather
Saoirse Ward grandmother
Killian Ward uncle
Conleth Ward uncle
Tieran Ward uncle
Angus Ward uncle

Luna | fluffy mixed-breed black cat
Identical to her sister, except she is the shorter of the two, (she’s a little jealous of Stella’s growth spurt, but figures she’ll catch up soon enough), Mona stands a bit shorter at 4’9 ½” thank you very much. She has the same brown hair and grey-blue eyes, but doesn’t mind the color so much. The freckles are what they are, and there’s nothing else to say about them. Lean in build, she hopes this does hurt her quidditch chances. Skinny plus gangly doesn’t usually help on the pitch. She’s pretty strong from a childhood spent largely outside riding or doing archery or flying on brooms. This means she also has her fair share of scars and bruises at any given time as well.

Ramona can be found in various states of neatness throughout the day, much like Stella. The mornings they try to tame the mane, but it has a mind of its own. She would be perfectly happy to leave it loose and wild all day, but it does get in the way. Her attire is dependent on the activity, but she is generally just as comfortable in bloomers as she is in a dress (well maybe not as comfortable, pants are awesome) but as long as she has a free range of motion, she’s usually good. The dresses are bright in color and simple in fashion when she gets a choice. She would much prefer to be barefoot, if given the opportunity. Mona is the right-handed twin.
Twins do run in the Pendergast family, so it’s really not a surprise. Ramona and Stella may look identical, but they are anything but in personality. Mona is a loud and demanding babe, but a hell of a sleeper, if nothing else.
Even more surprising than their birth is that of their aunt and uncle, Regina & Warrick by their grandmother. This will only be weird later, surly.
The addition of a brother is no surprise really. There’s a lot of affection between her parents. Unfortunately their joy doesn’t last long and Duncan is lost in the plague along with many other family members. It’s a time that Ramona doesn’t clearly remember, but she does remember Mama and Papa sad and that’s too much.
Brooms! Mona takes to flight like a fish to water and she gets the hang of it quite quickly. Much of their childhood is spent outside in their expansive garden with the horses and the dogs, so Mona spends a lot of time zipping around the trees in the fresh air.
Grandmother is lost to some accident and though she knows it makes Papa sad, she was always a little scared of her grandmother, so doesn’t know quite how to feel. Papa retires from quidditch, which is a shame, but she likes having him home more. They get big into climbing trees and riding brooms and horses.
Mona is the first of the twins to display magic. Her horse rears and she’s thrown but she bounces harmlessly, wrapped in a bubble that pops as soon as she bounces a few times. Their education is a mix of a Governess trying to teach them properly and Mona wishing she could just do everything outside. She does start picking up the violin at the behest of her governess, but she tends to only play fiddle tunes, much to the woman’s chagrin.
Finally Tells displays magic! Mona wasn’t worried but she was a little worried.
Auntie Ellory dies and it’s a shame because she was always fun. This time the death really sinks in and Mona is somber for a time.
Hogwarts approaches and she and Tells will go off with Regina (Mona can’t call her “Auntie” when she’s younger than they are. And the thrill outweighs the nerves. Nobody would know she was nervous, because she doesn't let on, but Mona is a little worried she and Tells might wind up in different houses and she isn’t quite sure about how she’s going to handle that. At least they have a fun summer ahead of it first.
If you cannot tell the twins apart by looks, you can tell by personality. A loud, out-of-the-box leader, Mona can often be heard before seen. She is unafraid to share her opinions on something, but does greatly consider the feelings of others before doing so. She is unable to sit still and will likely struggle with that aspect of school, but will thrive in getting her hands dirty or in practical lessons. She’s a quick study on anything physical; flying, riding, archery, but is not always the most attentive. Subtly creative, Mona enjoys drawing and playing the fiddle, though does not practice as much as she does flying. Music is a favorite of hers however and she plans to continue to take it at school. If given the choice, she would much rather be outside adventuring before anything else. Her loyalties run deep and strong, unless her trust is broken. Mona loves hard, a trait she inherited from her mother and it shows in a wide variety of ways, but she is mostly an empathetic little soul, even if it is not overt. She can often come across as bossy and a little too direct, but she doesn’t want to see anybody get hurt, physically or emotionally, so tries to head those things off before it happens, to mixed results. It is with her twin that she is the most vulnerable, but that’s to be expected when you once shared a womb. The two are a nice foil to one another; opposites in many regards, but in a way that balances them out rather than exaggerating their differences.
Ramona Pendergast's skeptical excitability made her easy to place. "GRYFFINDOR!"
- The Sorting Hat
[Image: MonaSig.png]
Ramona Pendergast's Most Liked Post: RE: Introducing | Stella & Ramona | Post Subject: Introducing | Stella & Ramona | Numbers of Likes: 1