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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Locklyn MacCoinnich
37 Posts
Played by Nichole
37 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 11 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Locklyn MacCoinnich

Nickname(s): Locke

Birthdate: May 6, 1857

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Occupation: Auror

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Dogwood, 13 1/4", quite springy, dragon heartstring

mistress:Cecilia [18XX-1889]
daughter: Nadine [b. 1883]
son: Cyrus [b. 1887]
daughter: Adelle [b. 1889]
??:Sage Whitby [b. 1868]
daughter: Marigold Whitby[b. 1890]
father: James MacCoinnich [b. 18XX]
mother: Anne MacCoinnich née -- [b. 18XX]
sister: Clara -- née MacCoinnich [b. 1851] [i]& family[/i]
brother: Isaac MacCoinnich [b. 1855] [i]& family[/i]
sister: Emilia -- née MacCoinnich [b. 1861] [i]& family[/i]
brother: Noah MacCoinnich [1863-1867]
sister: Millicent MacCoinnich [b. 1869]
face claim: Jack Vanderhart
ethnicity: Caucasian
height: 5' 11"
build: Subtly muscular due to the years put in at his job though is prone to putting on weight in his midsection with inactivity as he ages
eyes: Blue
hair colour: Dark, looking almost black indoors though outside it takes on more of a toned reddish brown coloration
hair style: Even when allowed grow out, the most it ever acquires is a hint of a wave towards the end. He keeps his facial hair neatly trimmed to just a shadow if any at all.
wand hand: Left

scent:Dark herbal scent with an undercurrent of oak and bourbon

demeanor: Much like his expression, Locke moves with suprising lightness for his size and almost glides as he walks. He's confident in himself and it shows.

fashion: He tends to prefer muggle styled clothing and puts great care into his appearance with crisp suits of varying colors. While he tends to mostly wear darker suits, he is notable for his pops of color in his ties, collars, and undershirts.
1857 | Born on a crisp London spring day in the beginning of May, he is third child and second son. As is customary, he is named a few days after his birth Locklyn though is quickly just dubbed 'Locke'.

1861 | A little girl is born and named Emilia.

1862 | Clara starts Hogwarts.

1863 | Another sibling joins the hoard, a boy called Noah. He is louder than Emily was and Locke finds himself quite displeased with the new addition.

1866 | Isaac starts Hogwarts.

1867 | Tragedy strikes as Dragon Pox wipes through the family except for Clara and Isaac who are away at Hogwarts, taking the life of his younger brother Noah. Thankfully the rest of the family recovers.

1869 | His last sister, Millicent, is born

School, 1868 - 1875 | Locke is granted his turn at Hogwarts and is promptly - to everyones surprise - sorted into Ravenclaw where he quickly befriends another boy in his year - Ozymandias Dempsy. It proves to be a pairing many of the professors dread as they are often found in some form of mischief from inviting prank spells to flirting with the female students. To no one's surprise neither of the boys make prefect but Locke does end up with decent grades still in DADA, Potions, Charms, Herbology and Transfiguration. Emilia starts in ‘72.

1875-1877 | With nothing better to do with their time, Locke and Oz take an extended continental tour and spend the next few years occasionally visiting family but mostly living a lift of sin gambling and spending many nights and days in brothels.

1878 | Upon their return, Locke finds a flat in London and keeps up this lifestyle much to the annoyance of his parents.

1879 - 1882 | Clara finds herself engaged with a man who she met at a dance. And the last MacCoinnich finds themselves off to Hogwarts.

He gets away with his lifestyle only a year or so longer when the ignored threats become serious and Locke is presented with the choice of getting a job or being cut off. He gets a job. He becomes an auror trainee. Honestly, he picked it for the thrill. The idea of getting to choose bad guys around and being paid to duel. However he quickly finds that being a trainee is far more work than he bargained for. But with the threat of being poor he keeps on, unwilling to admit he picked poorly. Over time though he finds he actually enjoys the work but being equally unwilling to admit that, he continues to make light of the whole thing.

Just because he has gotten a job, however, doesn’t mean he has cleaned up his act. In fact he’s picked up a full fledged mistress he sees quite regularly.

1883 | The first thing he buys with his big boy money is a flat in the nicer parts of the Hogsmeade slums for his now pregnant mistress. While he does have his own place, he spends an equal amount of time there playing husband. By December Locke is a father to a little girl. The idea of marrying his mistress is very quickly shot down by his father. Better a bastard than marrying a whore. There is an appeal in this to his family though. Since he has started seeing –, he sleeps around slightly less.

1887 | To his utmost surprise, Oz marries this middle class healer. Locke isn’t necessarily surprised about the girl - she isn’t unattractive to look at and Oz was never the one for traditional girls - it is more the fact Oz actually married. For some time both men have their own set of rumors as Locke’s mistress has another child ( a son this time) but eventually Oz’s die down and Locke’s remains. He, of course, is a bit worried that now that Ox is married his best friend is going to become a bore.

1889 | Seemingly they’ve gotten less careful about protection over the years because – is pregnant once more but this time it does not end so well. While his second daughter survives, – does not. The grief seems to clean up his act for a little bit and he spends most of his time at work and adjusting to living in his new house in London with three children and the live-in nanny.

His father is distinctly displeased that he's taken his children in rather than pretend they don't exist. It was one thing he didn't like when they were only distant figures, it's another thing he hates that they are under the same roof. While he isn't outright disowned, invitations to family dinners are conspicuously absent and money is significantly tighter. Thankfully between his job and savings they are okay.

1890 - 1892 | The following years see the return of his visits to brothels and gambling dins but nothing comes of it quite like his relationship with – and he does try to be home often enough to be a ‘decent’ dad. He finally gets around to selling the Pennyworth flat. With his eldest daughter's 9th birthday day it occurs to him the children could probably use some sort of female figure that isn't their nanny or governess and reluctantly starts actually partaking in respectable society though he doesn't hold high hopes.

1893 | In an even bigger twist than Oz’s marriage, Oz ends up running for minister. The fact his friend was goaded into it isn’t a surprise. The surprise is that Oz manages to campaign for longer than three days. As the joke turns serious he signs on as campaign manager though the actual duties end up shoved onto Christabel instead. And even more surprising, somehow Oz won? Barely, but he won. His childhood best friend is now Britain's official Minister of Magic and Locke isn’t entirely sure Oz knows exactly what he's gotten himself into.
[ Charismatic | Assiduous | Creative | Flippant ]
[Image: OVxz9hb.png]
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