Full Name: Violetta Elise DeCroix
Nickname(s): Vee
Birthdate: January 11th 1879
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Fifth Year Slytherin Prefect
Blood Status: Pureblood
Residence: Marseille/London/Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Black Walnut, 12", rigid, petrified salamander heart core
Family: Father: Anton DeCroix (+26)
Mother: Mariella DeCroix née Le Marechel (+22)
Brother Luca DeCroix (-7)
She has long blonde hair, blue eyes and is right handed. She is lightly built but carries her five foot height with poise and grace, becoming of an upper class girl. She seems to have stopped growing at five feet and now assumes she has her grown form, she is satisfied and likes what she sees in the mirror but would like an extra inch or two.
September 1894 - Fifth year begins with her being made a prefect, much to the annoyance of her friend Anne Moony.
September 1893 - Starts her fourth year of Hogwarts
February 1893 - While she was away for third year, her only real friend in England, an upper class muggle girl moved away to India
July 1891 - Begins private Summer education with a governess from Beauxbatons at her mother's request to ensure she does not forget what it is to be a French wizard. Violetta spends 6 weeks each summer there from 1891 through 1893 and loves it.
September 1890 - Place found at Hogwarts and Violetta begins wizarding school, thankfully she is sorted into Slytherin. Her first year is tough because of her weaker English but luckily her parents had years before had the foresight to teach her the langauge.
July-August 1890 - Family forced to relocate from Marseille (France) to London (England) due to father's work status. Violetta was devastated, having her bags all packed and ready to attend Beauxbatons like her mother before her.
July 14th 1886 - Attending Bastille Day in Paris, her first magical event was triggered when she and another mischievous child strayed a little too close to the guns moments before an all gun salute. The guns went off and the little girl panicked, pushing everything not properly secured to a distance from her, including a three ton gun. Poor metallurgy of the cannon was blamed for the incident, but her parents, both furious and excited, knew better. Her young friend for his trouble received a broken arm.
Upper class is the best class, but other classes are OK, I guess. Ambitious, easily irritated, annoyed to have been forced to relocate. Can be quite abrupt when angry.
Used to have a bit of a reputation for keeping other students at a distance. But confidence has grown over 4th year a lot, she is now more sociable but is leaning into her older self.
Likes to talk a lot, fluttering back and forth between English and French.
Suffers from vanity, often checking herself in a discrete pocket mirror. Is quite vulnerable to flattery.
Favourite colours are blues and purples