1873-1883: Enid is born into the rapidly-growing Glynn family, a clan in Avalon Glen best known for tending to wand wood trees. She is a few months old when Gwyneth Conway is found and brought into the fold, and does not remember anything else — in fact, Gwyn is always Enid's favorite sibling, even when she gets sisters by blood. (She does not remember being joined by The Twins in 1874, but does remember the births of Nimue and Cadogan, which finally marked the end of more mouths to feed.)
Enid has a calming influence on Gwyn and her other siblings, and is a quiet, kind child who shows her first sign of magic by healing a scrape on her knee.
1884-1887: Enid goes to Hogwarts with Gwyn and is sorted into Ravenclaw. The first few months of her first year are the first time she learns that not everyone grows up in a place like Avalon Glen, in the shadow of dragons. Eventually she decides she is still glad for the Glen. While Glynn children are only allowed three years in school if they cannot gain a scholarship, Enid is able to win one which fully funds her schooling after third year — although she is saddened to know that she will return without Gwyn.
1888: When Gwyn is scarred by a dragon, Enid solidifies her plan for her future — Creature Induced Injuries Healing. Someone has to keep the dragon-keepers alive.
1889-1891: Enid achieves excellent OWLs and moves onto NEWTs, graduating with the grades that allow her to become a Junior Healer in September. This is a relief, as apparently Gwyn is to be a dragon-keeper. Now that she's out of school, Enid begins seriously pining after Nigel Yarwood.
1893: Enid is nearly done with her healing training, Gwyn is still engaging with dragons, and Nigel is still handsome and unobtainable. Tragic.