1881 - 1893
1881 - Morgan was born one early morning in late 1880 to Katerina Valenduris who, not expecting such a short labour after all the stories of labours that lasted for hours and days she had heard, had not written her husband to advise of the imminent birth. It was therefore with his breakfast that a rather rushed Raven bought the news. She is named Morgan Meseria Valenderius, and affectionately nicknamed Little M. Firstborn of her mother, and thirteenth of her father - though with a forty year age gap with her elder brother she is essentially an only child… until of course less than a year later she is “blessed” with twin sisters who seem identical in every way.
1882 - The twins are born on a warm summer night in August and hard to seperate from one another. Morgan is not even a year old at the birth of her younger twin sisters and is saddled with the responsibility of being the older sister, and yet feeling very much apart.
1885 - The closeness of her sisters becomes ever more apparent, and Morgan finds herself frustrated at the fact she is not really part of their bond and finds comfort in hanging with her Uncle Archimedes of whom she grows fond. She decides, at age 4, that she is going to be worlds best witch and alot of her self play from that day forth involve cauldrons and pretend spells with rather dramatic results. Nicholas is born later than year.
1886 - Morgan shows her first magic, after accidentally both setting the toy cauldron she’d set up in the garden alight and putting the fire out. She is quite distressed by the burnt patch in the garden she causes because she knew she was not supposed to play with fire and had not thought the grass would burn quite so quickly. Her magic shows itself by causing the grass to become quite overgrown and she becomes quite terrified of the scolding she’d receive though is quite unprepared for the elation once it is discovered that she caused it by magic and not by playing with matches.
1887 - Her sisters have become quite trying for the governess and as a result Morgan strives very much [i]not[/i] to be. She wants to show off her achievements for herself and distinguish herself from her younger twin sisters.
1893 - She awaits heading off to Hogwarts and is excited to be learning from her father and wishes intently to be in Slytherin house and is secretly terrified she is not ambitious or cunning enough. She is undecided if she wants to be in the same house as her twin sisters, and oddly, her nieces, for on one hand she may be required to keep them out of trouble but on the other she’d like to stretch her wings and discover herself without them.
18XX: info here