strengths: ambitious, clever, compassionate, determined, elegant, graceful, musical, organized, patient, polite, resourceful, strategic
weaknesses: disabled, eavesdropper, fanciful, finicky, hesitant, naïve, perfectionist, quiet, secretive, sensitive, spoiled, stubborn
likes: books, chess, daydreams, fantasy stories, flower petals, going out for walks in the park, her governess, honey, kittens, lullabies, magic, music, pastries, playing outside in the snow, playing piano, plush toys, porcelain dolls, silk & satin fabric, reading, singing, sitting in the sunshine, smell of rain, tea with sugar and milk, the feeling of wind against her face, the sound of chirping birds
dislikes: being alone, being too tired to do anything, feeling lost, getting sick, hospitals, large bodies of water, loud noises, muggles who fear or dislike magic, not being included in conversations about her, smell of tobacco smoke, spicy food, strangers touching her wheelchair, the bitter taste of medicine, when her kitten, heidi, jump scares her by pouncing on her lap suddenly, wool fabric
fears: being alone, drowning in a large body of water, getting lost and not finding her way back, losing one of her other senses, needing to spend more time hospitalized, not accomplishing any of her goals, not making any friends at hogwarts or being bullied
goals: compose her own piano piece with voice accompaniment and perform it, get physically stronger and healthier so she doesn’t get sick or tired so much, make genuine friends at hogwarts, master getting around on her own using her wand and instincts
habits: blushes when bashful easily, gets lost in her own thoughts, if someone is speaking to her she’ll look in their direction, likes to reach out and feel the textures of things around her, makes up goals for herself and becomes determined to meet them, pushes herself when she’s tired because she doesn’t want to rest, sings or hums to herself when she is focused on something
hobbies: chess, daydreaming, flower pressing, going out for walks in the park, playing piano, playing with dolls, reading, singing