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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Isobel Valenduris
26 Posts
Played by Nichole

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Seventh Year & Wizard's Chess Club President
18 year old Pureblood
Seventh Year & Wizard's Chess Club President
5 ft. 1 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Isobel Avella Valenduris

Nickname(s): Sobie

Birthdate: December 24, 1876

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Occupation: Fifth Year Gryffindor

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Ebony, 13", unyielding, dragon heartstring

father: rasputin valenduris [b.1820]
mother: -- valenduris, [b.1846]
brother: algernon valenduris [b.1880] sister: -- valenduris [b.188-]
step-mother: -- valenduris [dead]
half-sister: media valenduris [b.184-]
half-brother: trojan valenduris [1840-1877]
sister-in-law: angelia valenduris nee bianci [b.1842]
nephew: cassian valenduris [b.1863]
nephew: emilian valenduris [b.1865]
nephew: leander valenduris [b.1866]
nephew: julis valenduris [b.1867]
niece: demetria valenduris [1868-1884]
nephew: jethro valenduris [1869-1884]
neice: lecia valenduris [b.1870]
neice: sabine valenduris [b.1871]
grandfather: meserimus valenduris [b.1748]
grandmother: avella valenduris [dead]
step-grandmother: katerina valenduris née krum [b. 1862]
through meserimus's many children, she has many aunts and uncles as well as other family.
face claim: filler
ethnicity: caucasian
height: 5' 1"
weight: 110 lbs
build: willowy
eyes: blue
hair colour: medium brown, reddish tint
hair style: kept short in a simple twist
distinguishing features: a faint scar on the base of her chin from a slightly too rough game of hoop rolling with algernon as children in which he accidentally hit her with the hoop.

scent: ink, juniper, and orange.

fashion: she tends to gravitate to both light and dark muted earth tones in her wardrobe more out of a subconscious choice than a conscious one as she just likes the colors better not because she thinks she looks good in them. additionally, she prefers wizarding robes over muggle dresses. in regards to accessories, a simple silver locket that was passed down from her maternal grandmother is all she wears. the original filling was lost and for a while it was empty but one christmas she was given a self-inking quill that had been spelled to shrink and grow as needed and now keeps it in the locket.

1876 - 1888
isobel is born the third child of rasputin valenduris but the first child of ‘mother’s name’ on christmas eve night - a date which she comes to adore as her birthday. however, despite having two elder siblings, she spends the first five years of her life living as an only child when her brother and sister are nearly forty years her elder and from rasputin’s first wife. that doesn’t mean, however, that the valenuris household is quiet. isobel valenduris has been loud, demanding, and knows what she wants and - quite frankly - does not care how you think she should act or be no matter who you are. once algernon and her younger sister are born, she is often seen bossing both them and her other younger relatives around (or sometimes her older relatives as well, she doesn’t discriminate).

she is only one year old when her brother dies in the line of duty, killed by the murderer he tried to contain. while she barely knows the man and doesn’t grieve him - much less understand the concept of death and permanence. but she can still sense a shift in the house. while in the prior year, medea often visited or played with isobel, her visits become less and less common as she claims that her childhood home reminds her too much of trojan. now she only sees medea at family gatherings leading her to be quite distant with her older sister.

she was quite young when she realized the injustice of being a female. at five her nanny tells her that she cannot join her cousins in a game because it isn’t ‘ladylike’. in retort, isobel displays her first act of magic and silences the woman for a week as well as stopping on her foot before going to play anyways. after that point, she pushes against society and her family’s limits and can be quite argumentative when told she can’t do something, becomes a terror to her nanny and governess, and if she has no interest in something she simply won’t do it. which means her lessons in the womanly arts sit abandoned as she instead spends most of her time following her father around in his study. (though there is a stern discussion about how violence isn’t the answer and future foot stompings are frowned upon. it takes a few more times for this to sink in. there were more foot-stomping episodes.)

1888 - 1895
while there was worry about how isobel’s… abrasive personality would fare at school, it is when she attends hogwarts as a gryffindor, though, that her restless energy and anger was given direction. her learning. she is already annoyed at the concept of certain careers being only for men and will not stand for being looked down upon because she isn’t smart enough or is less educated. isobel throws herself into her classes with a burning passion that drives her to be rigorously detailed in her scheduling and to be quite hard on herself (and sometimes others if they don’t meet her standards) if things don’t go as well as she wants. much to her mother’s dismay, she does struggle to find friends as many of her peers find her just a bit too much. while she is quite hurt by this, she outwardly brushes it off and pretends it was her choice not to have friends.

she is thrilled when she reaches her third year and selects ancient studies and muggle studies. it is in these classes where isobel starts to form relationships deeper than “we study sometimes together”. the finding of friends results in isobel mellowing out a little and she realizes that just because she cares a lot about her education and feminism it doesn’t mean everyone else does and others don’t want her to shove her drive onto them. with isobel less forceful, she finds her friends don’t mind her studying timetables as much as long as she allows breaks, she enjoys tutoring both her friends and other students and even joins the potions, transfiguration, and wizarding chess clubs over the next three years. she thought about joining the book club but upon being told it was segregated by gender and she wasn’t allowed to read the same books as the boys she refused to join out of strike.

she gets by with a pretty clean record until her fifth year when she gets into a fight in the great hall - a verbal fight, she moved past her foot stomping phase years ago - with a boy after he tells her that girls can’t be department heads in the ministry. in her anger, she finds she can’t quite express her points and ends up being condemned to remedial etiquette lessons. it is in these lessons she realizes that how you say the words are just as important as what you say and she’s far more likely to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.

unlike the joy she had when she started her third year, she dreads the start of her sixth year as she was unsuccessful in attempting to convince the school staff that she could manage all ten of her classes at a n.e.w.t. level. instead, she is forced to choose some to let go and after much, much debate lets go of astronomy, muggle studies, and herbology. she isn’t thrilled and makes it known. but that only lasts a few months as she is promptly distracted by the announcement of the ministerial election and she becomes obsessed.
strengths: intelligent, organized, responsible, independent, ambitious, committed, loyal

weaknesses: stubborn, tempermental, impulsive, forceful, aggressive, insecure, bossy, confrontational, poor loser

likes: freedom, dancing, fields on sunny days, history, politics, books, the smell of libraries and the silence of the only noise being turning pages, warmth, comfy chairs, neat notes, crowds, wizard chess, museums

dislikes: not being taken seriously or being underestimated, storms particularly lightning, superstitions, grapes, being shown up, second place, sexism, men who think they are better than women, restricting access to education, divination, laziness

fears: heights, broom flight, never being able to accomplish anything of 'value', marriage, being unable to do something, tower windows

goals: all o's on her newts, make a change, become the head of the department of magical law enforcement, become minister of magic, learn how to heal, take every opportunity presented

habits: she wears her favorite perfume (oranges and juniper) on days she feels stressed, fingers her locket when she's excited, reads the prophet first thing in the morning, plans her weeks and days out every night

hobbies: wizards chess, croquet, studying, rallies, collects informational pamphlets from everywhere she's ever visited

Ancient StudiesEN/A
Defense Against the Dark ArtsO
History of MagicO
Muggle StudiesEN/A

— trivia —

amortentia: ink, parchment, and fall leaves
boggart: an empty office space. in her head, this office was once hers. it symbolizes her fear of failure as she has been fired.
clubs: potions, transfiguration, wizarding chess
electives: alchemy, ancient studies, muggle studies
patronus: unknown
pets: artemisia, a black and white cat
religion: agnostic
romantic orientation: unknown
sexual orientation: unknown
zodiac sign: capricorn
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