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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Oscar Daphnel
68 Posts
Played by Beanie
Apprentice Cursebreaker
18 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 8 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Oscar Cecil Daphnel

Nickname(s): Ozzy, occasionally

Birthdate: July 9th, 1874

Age: 18

Gender: Male, perceived as male

Occupation: Apprentice Curse Breaker @ Gringotts

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: Wellingtonshire

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Alder, 10", Whippy, unicorn hair core

Family: Virgil Daphnel | Father
Oscar is quite fond of dad, and hopes their travels align sometime soon.

Kate Daphnel | Mother
Before Bea pushed Victor down some stairs, Ozzy thought that his mother was dramatic about the worrying. Now he still thinks she should mostly focus on Beatrice.

Victor Daphnel | Brother
Victor was a lot more fun before he died, but Oscar can't really blame him for that one. There is also the wife, Christabel.

Jasper Daphnel
Hyperfixated lots before Victor died, so this hasn't helped.

Beatrice Daphnel
Oscar would do anything for her, probably, but he has been rather miffed with her after the whole "manslaughter" thing.
General | Oscar stands at a fairly average 5'8", with a slim build and pale skin. He has black hair that is very shaggy, and dark brown eyes.

Expressions | Oscar is very expressive, and almost always smiling — even when he doesn't actually feel like it.

Deportment | The way Oscar carries himself is best described as enthusiastic; he talks with his hands, leans into conversations, and seems genuinely charmed to talk to anyone.

Fashion | Oscar dresses fashionably in bright colors, and does not shy away from flashy clothes and accessories — unlike his brothers.

Accessories | He tends to wear cufflinks and wrist watches regardless of the outfit.

Scent | A piney cologne

Face Claim | Zhang Xin Cheng (Steven Zhang)
1874: Oscar is born, the last of the Daphnel children.
1875-1884: Childhood proves largely uneventful. The family lives in the countryside and occasionally travels to academically-interesting destinations. Ozzy is a happy, if attention-seeking, child, and demonstrates magic in a fit of pique after Jasper goes to Hogwarts. Luckily, he only has to wait a year after Beatrice goes to school to go off to Hogwarts.
1885-1889: Oscar goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. He is a bright student who could be better at his studies if he was less focused on charming his classmates; as it is, he has a large friend group and generally enjoys school. He is distantly concerned for Bea, who does not "thrive" at Hogwarts and is eventually placed in Pendergast. Oscar, as a bit of a class clown, is not made a Prefect.
1890: Following his OWLs, Oscar takes after the tradition established by his eldest brother and his father, and takes a LOT of N.E.W.T. classes. This is largely because his biggest ambition is to be wealthy and interesting, and while he's certainly the latter, he will need to make money or attract investors to do the former.
1892: Oscar finishes school with an assortment of N.E.W.Ts and spends his summer faffing about and waiting for the results. Once he gets his grades, he applies to and becomes an Apprentice Cursebreaker at Gringotts — because maybe adventure can play into his eventual financial schemes, right?
In November, Victor marries a Miss Christabel Dempsey. Oscar starts to consider moving out of the house — the married couple and Bea's debutante life is harshing his vibe — but then Bea ushers in the new year by accidentally killing Victor. So, Oscar puts moving out on the back burner.
1893: Victor becomes a ghost, and the Daphnel siblings fake Victor... not being murdered by Beatrice, but still dying, because obviously he is dead. Oscar tries not to be too stressed out about the whole thing, because someone alive has to hold it together, and it's obviously not going to be Jasper or Christabel. (Learning to be a curse-breaker is going well, by the way.)
Bold, extroverted, charismatic, enthusiastic, ambitious
Member of Excalibur's.
Oscar Daphnel's Most Liked Post: RE: A little bit of Tina's what I see | Post Subject: A little bit of Tina's what I see | Numbers of Likes: 2