General | Average in every sense of the word, Bea is an expected five foot one, with dark hair, dark eyes, and a heavier set build. The only likely notable trait about her is the scattering of freckles across her face and arms.
Expressions |With those inside her circle, primarily her immediate family and a small handful of friends, she is bright and very much an open book. Outside that circle, she rarely expresses more than a pip of the overwhelming fear and paranoia that drive her every interaction.
Deportment | Bea, while average in height, is small in stature and often tries to take up the least amount of space possible. Her shoulders curl the more she is stressed with a base level far less straight than any governess would ever approve. Just as well she often finds herself drifting towards the edge of crowds and towards the door if a quick getaway is ever needed.
Fashion | Much to her disappointment, her wardrobe has been filled with dresses with far flashier colors than she’d prefer - assumedly her mother’s attempt at drawing attention when nothing else about her does. The whole charade makes her feel like a fake when she has been drawn up in eye-catching jewel tones rather than the more pastel and earthy shades she is naturally drawn to. The same applies to the patterns and style of her dress as well. She does have a select handful of her own choices she is permitted to wear around the house and with permission, on a few outings.
Accessories | Her accessories tend to fall in the same categories as her dress, though Kate always insures it remains… tasteful. Often donned in gold over silver, she does have a soft spot for a charm bracelet that was given to her collectively by her brothers upon her return from Pendergast's. She acquires new charms for it rarely, most often on trips or other significant occasions.
Scent | She wears a faint perfume that smells of cinnamon and oranges.
Face Claim | Han SungMin