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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Before the 1920's, it was believed that the Milky Way Galaxy was the only galaxy in the universe. — Steph
What in the hell could centaurs even want, anyway? Higher quality oats?

Edelweiss Prewett
13 Posts
Played by Lady
Seventh Year
17 year old Pureblood
Seventh Year
5 ft. 0 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Edelweiss Sarah Prewett

Ada — While she still goes by Edelweiss, at the start of Hogwarts, many students struggled to say, much less spell her name, and so Edelweiss simply told them to call her Ada. She doesn't like the nickname very much, but it's stuck and so she accepts it with slight resignation. Some students call her Edelweiss, others call her Ada.

Birthdate: January 31, 1877

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Seventh Year Gryffindor

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: Hogwarts, then London the rest of the year

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Holly, 10 ½ in, Dragon Heartstring, Surprisingly Springy

Faustus Prewett | Father | 1850
Marie-Louise Prewett | Step-Mother | 1865
Jane Prewett née Pettigrew| Mother| 1856-1883
Iris Prewett | Sister | 1882
Mezereon Prewett | Brother | 1883

Harriet Prewett née Potter | Grandmother | 1828
Gideon Prewett | Grandfather | 1820-1868

Frances Crabbe née Prewett | Aunt | 1856
Felix Prewett | Brother | 1860
Fitzroy Prewett | Brother | 1860
Florence Greene née Prewett | Aunt | 1861
— Corey Greene | Uncle | 1857-1886
Chloe Greene | Cousin |1883
— Corinne Greene | Cousin | 1886
Felicity Riley née Prewett | Aunt | 1863
— James Riley | Uncle | 1855-1886
Gideon Riley | Cousin | 1883
Grace Riley | Cousin | 1885
Frederick "Freddie" Prewett | Uncle | 1864
Camilla Prewett née Zabini | Aunt | 1865

Through her grandmother is related to the Potters, Longbottoms and most other members of the pureblood community.
Ethnicity |
Height |five foot
Hair | Strawberry-blonde/red
Eyes | Blue
Build | Lithe
Attire | School robes
Wand Arm | Right
Face Claim | Daria Milky
1877Edelweiss is born a month early, the first child to Faustus and Jane Prewett. She grows up with a generally sunny disposition, doted on by her mother and father.
Faustus is named Head Auror in a move that completely perplexes Edelweiss — she has absolutely no idea what this means except that Papa is away for longer periods of time. While Mama insists this is a good thing and that he loves them very much, Edelweiss understands very little, and seeks comfort in her mother.
Iris is born and Edelweiss is eager to help out. Things don't go as planned and she trips, performing her first act of magic in making her little sister's bottle float up into the air above everyone's heads.
Edelweiss has a nightmare that her mother dies, and is so terrified, she doesn't tell anyone. But then, Jane goes into labor. Edelweiss is not allowed in the room and begins crying. She is quickly comforted by her mother, who promises she will be just a little bit and then they will be able to eat ice cream together. Edelweiss paces but completely forgets all worries when she sees her brother. Elated, she's able to hold him and fawn over him with her father. But soon after, there's yelling. It soon calms down, but Edelweiss knows something has gone wrong. When her father comes in, Edelweiss knows her nightmare came true and is distraught. She tells her father who, in his distress, thinks her dream was no more than the similar ones he has that reflect these exact worries.
1885Since the death of their mother, Edelweiss takes it upon herself to help out with Iris and Mezereon. Iris attaches herself to Edelweiss, which is all well and good until it's not and Edelweiss wants her time alone. Edelweiss's vivid dreams continue, some of them good, some of them bad. Some come true, and some don't. She often finds it hard to sleep because her dreams keep waking her up - as if every time she has a dream she is jolted awake because it feels like she's falling.
First Year
Before Edelweiss goes off to Hogwarts, she has dreams of - nothing. She only wakes up remembering a lot of fog. That summer before she goes to Hogwarts, The Fog descends upon Hogsmeade. Edelweiss goes off to Hogwarts, though is mildly traumatized at the sight of Iris inconsolable. She promises to write every day. Once at Hogwarts, Edelweiss is sorted into Gryffindor. Her cousin, Flora is sorted ino Slytherin — another of her dreams come to fruition. By this time, Edelweiss understands her father's profession more and is particularly interested in Defense Against the Dark Arts. She isn't the best at it, but she isn't the worst.
Second Year
Edelweiss' second year passes without much of a hitch, except she keeps having dreams that can be both oddly specific, and extremely vague. At the worst of times, it can feel as if she's experiencing déjà vu. At the best of times, she realizes something is about to happen and sometimes is able to stop it: minor things mostly, like catching a juice jug as it falls at breakfast or remembering to bring an extra quill for her friends.
Third Year
Her third year is when she experiences her first vision during the day. She's at breakfast, getting up to get some more juice when it suddenly feels as if she's falling. She drops her drink and collapses at breakfast. Not wanting to worry her father, she convinces the school nurse to not contact him. Thoroughly scared and intrigued, Edelweiss takes up Divination, Earth Magic and Ancient Runes as her electives. Divination doesn't give her much help in figuring out what it is that she keeps experiencing. It's only in a book in the library that she realizes she might be a Seer.
Fourth Year
The visions start to get even more detailed, but nevertheless frustrating, seeing as sometimes they are extremely correct, others are quite imprecise and some only have one or two details that are different. The most drastic dream, however, is one she has showing her father at the Sanditon almost drowning. Her next vision is of the woman that was with him, and of her father saving the woman from drowning. Until now, she has told very few people of her abilities, but this is the vision that seems to convince her that sooner or later, she must tell someone. Just as she is preparing to tell her father at Christmastime, Ada learns that she will soon have a new mother in one Marie-Louise Skovgaard. While stunned, she tries to appear quite happy for the both of them. It takes her a while to warm up to Marie-Louise in that way, as this event has recalled the memory of when her mother died. It's just as well that she doesn't tell her father about her abilities, because slowly, her abilities start to shift.
Fifth Year
By the time 1892 rolls around, Edelweiss has realized that her senses have somehow...changed; she's able to smell a myriad of different scents, and in times of great emotion she's able to even see different things in the air. At first, she's terrified that she might be committed to an asylum until Valentine's Day; specifically during breakfast. Her vision suddenly clouds over in darkness and dust, and she can only smell and taste an acrid flavor on her tongue. Terrified, Edelweiss flees and comes to the realization that this is what her visions will be like from here on out. In December of 1892, her father marries Marie-Louise Skovgaard, and Marie comes to live at their home in London.
Sixth Year
As her sixth year rolls around, she settles into the new sensations that her abilities have morphed into; voices trigger different tastes for her, and when her emotions are especially heightened, her vision takes on different hues and patterns. Frankly, she doesn't like it, but it's something she has to live with. In July, she receives word that her step-mother has been kidnapped. It causes her to reflect and worry as to why she didn't See it happening; in the end, she has to wonder if it's because she had been feeling resentful at having to get used to a new parental figure.
  • Languages: Ada is proficient in French and is secretly learning Danish for her step-mother
  • Feminine Skills: TEXT
  • Magical Abilities: When laying dormant, Edelweiss' Seer abilities still manage to seep out via two of her senses, mainly her vision and her taste. Different people's voices may trigger her to taste a certain flavor, and it also sometimes translates to her being able to see different colors and shapes in the air. When a true Vision takes hold, to Edelweiss, it seems she is transported to a place and time, and it takes over all of her senses, as if she actually is where the vision is taking place.

  • Boggart: Being kidnapped by the same people who took her step-mother
  • Amortentia: TEXT
  • TEXT
  • terrified of dying in childbirth


Astronomy TBD TBD
Charms TBD TBD
Defence Against the Dark Arts TBD TBD
Herbology TBD TBD
History of Magic TBD TBD
Potions TBD TBD
Transfiguration TBD TBD
Muggle Studies TBD TBD
Ancient Studies TBD TBD
Earth Magic TBD TBD
Edelweiss Prewett's Most Liked Post: This is — Ada; | Post Subject: This is — Ada; | Numbers of Likes: 1