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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Caroline Weasley
39 Posts
Played by Jen

You are too curious my dear. And Curiousity often leads to trouble.
First Year
11 year old Pureblood
First Year
4 ft. 9 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Caroline Georgia Weasley

Nickname(s): She's very Flavour of the week when it comes to nicknames.  She's mostly called Carol by friends and family however.

Birthdate: June 16th, 1883

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Occupation: Does as She Pleases.

Blood Status: Pureblood

Bartonburg North, Hogsmeade

Hogwarts House:


Father : Catigern Weasley , & September 5th, 1853 ; 5 ft. 10 in.; Occupation: Misc a DMG&S desk job
Mother : Marcella Weasley nee Longbottom, & June 4th, 1861; 5 ft. 3 in.
Sister : Louisa Weasley & March 21st, 1881
Brother : Wesley Weasley,& [Nov, 1884- Wes' is adoptable here]
Sister : Celeste & Feb 1886
Brother : Linton Weasley& 1888
Sister : Lavender Weasley & 1892
Sister : Rosemary Weasley & 1892

--------------- Miscellaenous Family Members include: Paternal Uncle Caradog Weasley,
On her mother’s side, Carol is also related to the Crabbe, Lovegood, Bones, Mulciber, Zabini, and Wilde children. Viewable here< Ernest Mulciber, Father [1847-1892]
Rufina Mulciber (née Longbottom), Mother [1855]
Merriweather Mulciber, Brother [1871]
Rufus Wilde, Lodger (& Half-Brother) [1882]

Flora Mulciber (née Longbottom), Mother [1855]

Eldin Longbottom, Grandfather [1825]
Hermione Longbottom (née Potter), Grandmother [1831]
Annabelle Bones (née Longbottom), Aunt [1850]
— Henry Bones, Uncle [1843-1884]
Rosamund Bones, Cousin [1868]
— Arthur Bones, Cousin [1869-1869]
Eldin Bones, Cousin [1871]
— Vesta Bones, Cousin [1872]
— Beckett Bones, Cousin [1884]
Gladys Wilde (née Longbottom), Aunt [1853-1884]
— Alexander Wilde, Uncle [1837-1884]
Matilda Zabini (née Longbottom), Aunt [1856]
Domitian Zabini, Uncle [1854]
Nicodemus Zabini, Cousin [1877]
Zenobia Zabini, Cousin [1879]
Louisa Lovegood (née Longbottom, formerly Crabbe), Aunt [1858-1885]
Abraxas Crabbe, Cousin [1877]
Orlando Lovegood, Uncle [1855]
— Adele Lovegood, Cousin [1884]
— Auberon Lovegood, Cousin [1885]
Beckett Longbottom, Uncle [1859]

Harriet Prewett née Potter, Great-Aunt [1828]
Gideon Prewett, Great-Uncle [1820-1868]
Faustus Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1850]
— Jane Prewett née Pettigrew , In-law [1856-1883]
— Edelweiss Prewett, Second Cousin [1877]
Iris Prewett, Second Cousin [1882]
— Mezereon Prewett, Second Cousin [1883]
Frances Crabbe née Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1856]
Felix Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1860]
Fitzroy Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1860]
Camilla Prewett (née Zabini), In-Law [1865]
Florence Greene née Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1861]
— Corey Greene, In-law [1857-1886]
— Chloe Greene, Second Cousin [1883]
— Corinne Greene, Second Cousin [1886]
Felicity Riley née Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1863]
— James Riley, In-law [1855-1886]
— Gideon James Riley, Second Cousin [1883]
— Grace Florence Riley, Second Cousin [1885]
Frederick Prewett, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1864]

Jameson Potter, Great-Uncle [1826-1882]
Elspeth Potter née Yaxley, Great-Aunt [1837-1877]
Bennet Potter, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1859-1886]
— Jane Potter, Second Cousin [1885]
Darcy Potter, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1862-1884]
— Jameson Potter, Second Cousin [1883]
— Elspeth Potter, Second Cousin [1884]
Charlotte "Lyra" Potter, 1st Cousin 1x removed [1865-"1883"]

face claim: Lily Aspell
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: She is just over four feet tall and most are assuming she will be somewhat tall and lean though no extraordinarily so - she will be 5 feet 4 inches by the age of 16 when she stops growing. One inch taller than her mama. She is 57 inches (four feet nine inches)
Build: Lean
Eyes: Dark
Hair Colour:Rather than the Weasleys who are known for their bright hair and pale features Caroline favours her maternal family and has rather dark features with both her hair and her eyes a dark brown.  e
hair style: Caroline doesn't particularly care about her hair and will generally attempt to do it as fast as possible so if it's been done by herself it's usually out or tied by a ribbon and probably slightly dishevelled; if it's been done by her governess or mother however it may be in braids or matching ponytails.
distinguishing features: She has a smattering of freckles along her face, a mole at her elbow and a birthmark on her side that she likes to make up stories about.
scent: info here
demeanor: Caroline is energetic and rarely ever still, choosing to spend most of her time daydreaming and off in her own world. She rarely goes place to place by walking, often seen to be bouncing or skipping and when she's still unless she's paying rapt attention it can be obvious that she's a thousand miles away. She isn't particularly clumsy... per say... however distracted, unthinking and haphazard and can do things without thinking which can amount to the same thing.
Fashion: Typical of age and class, somewhat haphazard. She doesn't usually care what she wears but will wear whatever she is told to whether it be Lousia's handmedowns or brand new clothes. . She dresses typically of her age and class - though somewhat haphazardly depending on how distracted she,  or others around her who monitor her outward appearance, were that morning as Caroline is prone to getting wrapped up in her own thoughts and forgetting necessities such as…  shoes and other small items. wand hand: She would like to pretend that she's ambidextrous (it seems like a fun skill) but favours her right hand.

early childhood
1883 - 1893
1883: Born June 16th, Caroline Georgia Weasley was the result of her mother labouring while spectating a quidditch match. In spite of her rather dramatic entrance, Caroline has had a generally typical life in the years since.
Autumn /Nov 1884: Wesley is born… as Caroline is 15 months old and already a sibling she takes the birth in stride and tries to be as helpful as possible, even if it is not appreciated in the slightest.
1886 : Her father is in accident and falls into a coma and awakens differently, all of which Caroline takes some what in stride. She is more effected by Louisa getting a governess and Celeste's addition to the nursery - and whilst getting a living breathing baby doll is great Louisa's presence is missed especially as Wes's version of play and Louisa's vary considerably.  Suffice to say without Louisa's calming influence at all times in the nursery much chaos is had especially as Caroline is by far more unpredictable and prone to flights of fancy. She is known to particularly enjoy building and inventing things,  magical creatures and is fascinated with learning all about the world and how things fit together inside it. She does receive a children's broom but is not overly fond of heights.
1888 : Linton is born and Caroline life is changed forever… because she beginsformal instruction from the governess. She does well…  when she pays attention. Happy to let Louisa be perfect she often gets distracted by her own thoughts and forgets that she is infact in class though when the teacher talks about things she is in fact interested in she shows remarkable aptitude. 
1889 : It is discovered that Caroline adopted a family of Puffskeins and was letting them live under her bed. It is unknown how long exactly that was going on for but it was long enough for them to add considerably to their number. They were surviving on food scraps from her plate. They were the first,  and certainly not the last small critter that she would attempt to bring home - many of whom were injured and later would require backyard burials though for months after the incident she was closely watched and whenever her actions were deemed suspicious her bed is checked though the hyper vigilance could only go so long with four other siblings to take care of.
1892 : Whilst Louisa is getting ready to go to Hogwarts Caroline isn't quite sure of the change, mostly because with Louisa's absence the attention and scrutiny will now be on her to do better and be the responsible elder sister
strengths: big hearted, caring, easy going, creative (in her own way), hyperfocus on topics and tasks of interest, independent, will consume knowledge and loves animals.
weaknesses: not focusing on things that don't interest her at all, independent, will zone out when she's not interested and chose to think of things that do to the detriment of whatever is going on right at that moment, forgetful, will hyperfixate and devour knowledge to exclusion of all else.
likes: Inventing, Creating Someething from Nothing, Animals and Beasts, Exploring and Investigating.
dislikes: Sitting at her desk, Studying "Boring" things, Having to do what other peoples say, acting like a lady, fashion, staying nicely dressed
fears: So far Caroline isn't a fan of flying.
goals: to work at the Zoo, to be a dragonkeeper, to work at the beast emporium, to have her own private zoo, to invent something amazing and get so much money that she can buy a house in the country side and have all sorts of animals.
habits: daydreaming, bouncing, talking aloud, getting distracted easily by the how of things, forgetting things to do important things whilst being distracted.
hobbies: inventing, playing chess and gobstoppers, looking up how things work,

— trivia —

amortentia: Unknown
boggart: Unknown, obviously i need to traumatize her, because her fear of heights isnt' exactly that great
clubs: n/a
patronus: Unknown,
pets: info Caroline has a tendency of adopting wild creatures as pets but is not allowed to bring them home. She has attempted to on many occasssion.
romantic orientation: Unknown,
sexual orientation: Unknown,
zodiac sign: Gemini

— skills —

01. info here 02. info here


Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

This ticker exists as an age reminder because Jen is terrible at keeping track of time...
Caroline Weasley's Most Liked Post: RE: Charming Social Hour - August 10th, 2023 | Post Subject: Poll: Charming Social Hour - August 10th, 2023 | Numbers of Likes: 2