1864 An Heir | Following the disappointing birth of a girl, Vienna, the Vaillancourts are blessed with a boy barely a year later. Lennox’s birth is widely celebrated in the family and he is truly spoiled. He and Vienna are never close growing up. |
1867 The Spare | Bennington joins the family, a spare heir is useful after all. |
1871 The Last | Arabella is born the final Vaillancourt. Four is good. |
| Nox displays his first sign of magic while out riding with his father on the grounds. Their estate outside of Bridgerton is expansive and his horse spooks at something in the underbrush, causing Nox to be unseated. He lands or rather, bounces a few times to land gently in the dirt. |
1876-77 First Year | Nox is off to Hogwarts with Cleon and is swiftly sorted into Gryffindor, though he fully expected Slytherin. It’s an odd match certainly, but he has always been adventurous and outgoing, so it’s not too much of a stretch.His childhood friend is sorted into Hufflepuff, but that doesn’t exactly matter to them.. |
1877-78 Second Year | In his element amongst people, Lennox as proven to be quite the charmer, very much at home in a the crowded and often rowdy common room. |
1878-79 Third Year | Though academics are not his favorite, Nox picks up Care of Magical Creatures for his elective, simply because it looks like fun. |
1879-80 Fourth Year | Ah fourteen, hormones. Nox’s throw him for a loop. He is very much attracted to a girl in his year and he enjoys the flirting and the chase, but fuck if he doesn’t realize he has a roommate who is also really good looking. How awkward. Right..? |
1880-81 Fifth Year | Ugh OWLS. Ugh school stress. Yay makeout sessions in broom closets with willing young ladies to help handle the stress. This year Nox comes to terms with his attraction to both women and men and confides in Cleon about it. It results in a pretty deep conversation, but even though Cleon’s situation is a little different, it’s nice to know he’s not alone. |
1881-82 Sixth Year | Lennox keeps the minimum number of classes possible, care of Magical Creatures, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Really what’s the point, he’s destined for the family business anyway. |
1882-83 Seventh Year | It ends at last. His marks are less-than-stellar, but he passed a couple classes and that’s good enough for him. |
1883 - 1885 The “Gap” Years | Nox is afforded the luxury of a year of travel which turns into two and he is thrilled by his adventures. His father hopes it will help get everything out of his system, but that’s just funny; it only fuels the fire. |
1888 The Secret | Without much to be expected of him, Nox loosely learns his fathers business which is as uninteresting as any other kind of responsibility he’s supposed to have. This is why when Persy suggests a little fun around their old stomping grounds, he’s in. And it all goes to shit, quick, and is the only time in his life Nox can truly claim to be afraid. Finding Orwell shakes him and he copes in the only way he knows; booze and sex. An Unbreakable Vow is made and Nox is weirdly thankful for the accountability. |
| Berenice passes on the one year anniversary of their Mistake and Nox wonders if this isn’t the start of a pattern. She doesn’t truly leave them though and continues to grace them with her ghostly presence. She often spends a lot of time at Nox’s London flat, which is fine with him, as long as she doesn’t keep him from getting laid. |