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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Before the 1920's, it was believed that the Milky Way Galaxy was the only galaxy in the universe. — Steph
What in the hell could centaurs even want, anyway? Higher quality oats?

Cecilia Lupin
29 Posts
Played by Kelly
Subtly Anxious Socialite
20 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 0 in.
❤   Married
Full Name: Cecilia Theresa Lupin née Bulstrode


Birthdate: July 23, 1873

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Occupation: Subtly Anxious Socialite

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Alder, 11.5", slightly springy, phoenix tail feather

Husband: Lionel Lupin (1852)

Father: Myron Bulstrode (1838)
Mother: Zoe Bulstrode (1844-1885)
Brother: Elisha Bulstrode (1863)
Brother: Ephraim Bulstrode (1868)
Sister: Aurelia Bulstrode (1874)
General | Cecilia stands at a solid 5 feet, making her a little shorter than her peers. Her rich brown hair cascades in a natural light wave, and her eyes are a deep brown.

Expressions | Cecilia has been trained to keep any serious emotions to herself. To be light and feminine. Her expressions often come off as subtle, to the best of her ability anyway.

Deportment | Feminine elegance is something she strives to achieve. Walk lightly, have confidence without commanding the room in an un-lady-like manner. She makes herself small, which her slightly short frame aids in managing.

Fashion | Cecilia has always been rather mindful in regards to her wardrobe. Always trying to represent the appearance of feminine elegance. This stems from an insecurity of making a bad impression from the lack of a mother in her teen years and no older sisters or step-mother to fill that void. Nonetheless, her private insecurities have been rather unjustified given that etiquette lessons both through childhood and at Hogwarts have been more than sufficient, along with well planned out friendships that she has been introduced to since childhood.

Accessories | Can she just say, Regency tiaras should make a comeback? Any chance she gets, she wants to wear those particular family heirlooms.

Scent | She loves rich scented perfumes.

Distinguishing Characteristics | Cecilia has a slight double chin. Cute and subtle.

Face Claim | Daisy Edgar-Jones
Little Lady
1873Cecilia is born the first daughter of her Bulstrode branch.
1874The last child, Aurelia, is born. At least that's one sister. A pair of boys and a pair of girls.
1877The muggle riots see the Bulstrode family staying at a country estate for a little over a year before moving back to their London home.
1879Cecilia shows her first sign of magic when being spooked by a rather large dog and promptly turning invisible. It was lucky that this had been in a family friend's garden - rather than a park - and her nanny was promptly able to make her visible once more.
1884One cousin is lost to the laughing plague, though no one in her immediate family is effected due to their living in London. Hogwarts sees Cecilia placed in Gryffindor of all houses. Utterly shocking, given what a quiet young girl she has always been.
Young Lady
1885Mother dies of tuberculosis. Cecilia is devastated, as the two were as close as to be expected of a mother and child of their social standing. She admired the woman greatly, and wonders if she could ever live up to such standards without her mother's guidance.
1886Cecilia only adds divination to her course load, as she does not wish to overwhelm herself.
1889While a good student, with grades ranging from average to outstanding, Cecilia doesn't feel a need to have an abundance of classes in her final years of schooling. Charms would benefit her as an enchanting hostess, potions for practicality reasons, and divination for the curiosity of the subject.
A Bulstrode Lady
1891Cecilia debuts and is a bundle of nerves on the inside. Along with the coming out ball at Hogwarts, the Bulstrodes hold their own private event for her. She socializes for the season, but not much comes of it.
1892Enter Aurelia's graduation, and their aunt puts her foot down. Demanding one more season of just having to handle Cecilia, Aurelia's debut is put off for some private finishing at home. Cecilia is rightfully shocked, having never been overly demanding to begin with, but their aunt had never wanted to be stuck in the position of having extra debutantes to deal with in the first place.

Christmas of 1892 sees success, when Mr. Lionel Lupin officially begins courting Cecilia. Her aunt is satisfied with this arrangement and is far more open to Aurelia debuting the following season. Yes, Mr. Bulstrode can feel the smugness of 'I told you so' coming off of his sister in waves.
A Lupin Lady
March 20, 1893 Cecilia and Lionel marry. Cecilia is officially a success in her father and aunt's eyes.
While she has an intense feeling of insecurity, she has always done her best to keep these feelings private. Diaries and close friends have more of an idea of her worries, though not enough for her to feel burdensome towards them.

She has Ravenclaw leanings, though her sense of moral justice does carry a greater weight than her sense of curiousity. With this in mind, she will come to someone's aid to an extent, but could not bring herself to step outside of what is considered appropriate for a young lady.
Amortentia | Fresh baked cookies and lavender

Patronus | Unknown

Boggart | Her mother, looking at her with pure disappointment

Star Sign | Leo

Hobbies | Her hobbies tend to vary depending on her mood, and she tries to keep her skills sharp regarding several instruments

Pets | A cat named Elizabeth
Magic by MJ

Cecilia Lupin's Most Liked Post: RE: Unemployment! | Post Subject: Unemployment! | Numbers of Likes: 2