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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Grace Greengrass
166 Posts
Played by Bree
22 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 2 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Grace Adeline Greengrass

Nickname(s): "Graceless Greengrass"

Birthdate: August 30th, 1872

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Occupation: Resentful Governess

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: London, in a small bedroom given to her by her employer. It is plain and depressing, but she can't bear to decorate it.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Alumna ('90)

Wand: Alder, 10 inches, Unicorn hair, Swishy

----- Greengrass, Father [1828-1889]
Audra Greengrass (née Crouch), Mother [1845]
Fortitude Greengrass, Brother [1866]
Noble Greengrass, Brother [1868]
Verity Greengrass, Sister [1871]
Clementine Greengrass, Sister [1874]
Grace does not struggle to embody her name in appearance—at least while quiet and seated. She had long, soft brown hair that is always pinned in an elegant updo, and her eyes are a warm brown. Her mouth is wide, her nose pointed, and her cheeks with a natural blush to them. She stands at an average five feet, two inches tall, and has a hourglass figure befitting of a girl of her age and station. She lacks a sense of style and has always relied on her mother to follow fashions and pick her dresses, though she does prefer muted colors to anything too bright and patterned. She is right-handed.

1872 | Grace is born the fourth child and second daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass.

1874 | Clementine is born. Grace is eager to play the role of big sister and can often be fond entertaining the babe with whatever toys are available. Despite their frequent bickering, the siblings are unusually close; Grace idolizes her brothers, views her elder sister as a source of comfort, and seeks to protect her younger sister from harm's way.

1877 | Ford goes off to Hogwarts, leaving a crying Grace hugging her mother's leg on Platform 9¾. She sends him drawings regularly, usually accompanied by poorly-spelled letters, and worries about his return home for the holidays for weeks.

1879 | Noble goes off to Hogwarts. Now used to seeing her brother leave every September, Grace only cries a little. She sends more legible letters, mostly ones that speak of her budding talents and inquire about Hogwarts. Her first sign of magic appears that Christmastime, when in an eagerness to open her presents she sends a gust of wind that knocks over both all the presents and the Christmas tree. The celebration surrounding her sudden display of magic plus Christmastime itself makes for an excellent holiday.

1882 | Verity goes off to Hogwarts. Sadness is replaced by impatience, and Grace just has to go to school. Has to!

1883 | And go she does. Grace joins her three older siblings at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. She enjoys her classes well enough, but is far from the top of her class. She struggles socially worst of all; a number of girls in her year poke fun at her for being unable to stand in front of the class and speak without stumbling over her words, earning her the name Graceless Greengrass. As if it helps!

1884 | Ford leaves Hogwarts and Grace bids him a sorrowful farewell in September, but not before presenting him with a list of items she wants him to send her throughout the school year. She returns to Hogwarts having accepted her status as an odd duck, but all is not so terrible. She finds a small group of friends that are as unpopular as her, and she cherishes their company.

1885 | Noble leaves Hogwarts, while Clementine joins them. Grace's third year comes with the addition of two new classes: Earth Magic and Ghoul Studies, the latter inspired by her Ford's career choices. She's  trapped under magical mistletoe with a boy a year her senior a week before the holiday break, and she might remember it fondly if look of disgusted expression the boy wore both before and after the kiss. Embarrassed and ashamed, Grace returns home and cannot bear to write to anyone from school, even her closest friends.

1887 | Grace is not appointed prefect in her fifth year, unlike her older sister. It bothers her much less than expected. She spends the whole year preparing for her OWL examinations.

1888 | Her OWL examination scores arrive during the summer—and so does Verity's head girl badge. Grace is proud of her sister, and moreover hopes that it will dissuade anyone from teasing her further. She is surprised to find that her sixth year is less tumultuous than the ones before—perhaps because of her sister, perhaps because everyone is too focused on their selves, or perhaps because Grace has  grown past her gangly teenage girl phase and finally looks like a proper young woman.

1889 | Seventh year arrives. All is well, at least for a time, even with Verity's letters that complain of a nonexistent first season. When Christmas rolls around, Grace is already preparing gift lists when Papa suddenly dies in an accident and sends the family into mourning.

1890 | Everything happens in rapid succession: her grades drop, her brother sells the family country home and relocates them to Noble's Hogsmeade home, and it is suddenly being impressed upon her the importance of finding a husband once she finally debuts. She graduates Hogwarts alongside the other seventh years, but she abstains from attending the Coming Out Ball and instead dons a black dress throughout the summer months. She is promised a proper debut in the spring of 1891, once their mourning is through. The prospect of being compared to her wittier, smarter, prettier, more successful sister is displeasing, but she is not upset—just anxious that she will seem undesirable. The mourning wear finally comes off after Christmas rolls around, and Grace is eager to attend any event she is allowed to (even if her dresses are now out of fashion!).

1891 | Grace debuts and is courted by approximately zero men. This is not unexpected, but still not less disappointing.

1892-1894 | Verity marries, and then Ford does, too. Her prospects do not improve. Eventually her brother makes it clear that she has no future on the marriage mart and forces her to take up a post as a governess. She hates is, even if she cannot find it in herself to hate her charge. She moved from Hogsmeade to London and effectively cuts off her family, save for occasional letters to Noble and Clementine.
Daydreamer. Marches to the beat of her own drum. Naïve. In love with love, even if she is pessimistic about finding it herself. Eager to learn. Does NOT perform well under pressure or in front of a crowd. Struggles to carry a conversation without making things awkward (prone to rambling, smiles too stiffly, laughs for too long). Prone to anxiety. Is terrified by the prospect of getting into trouble.
  • Speaks French and writes Latin, apart from her native English.
  • Has a pleasant singing voice, though her pianoforte skills could use some work.
  • Skilled with household charms and avoids most other forms of magic.
  • Never learned to cast a patronus.
  • Knows nothing about sex and would likely cry if burdened with that information.
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