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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
November 28th, 1891
Florist Assailant Apprehended
Beleaguered Bachelor to Blame

A suspect has finally been charged in the attack on The Florist Potts earlier this month. Head Auror, Faustus Prewett, commended the constabulary once again for their assistance in the matter, “We’re pleased that the suspect is now in custody of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and will be charged to the fullest extent. We have Constable Dorset to thank for his quick thinking in apprehending the suspect.” Dorset was unavailable to comment.

After lengthy interrogation, Augustus Smith of North Bartonburg has been brought in and arraigned on charges in relation to the attack. Smith has been less than cooperative while in custody of the Aurors Office, refusing to speak even in his own defense until some light was shed on the matter by one of the Potts daughters after her release from the hospital. Miss Daffodil Potts recounted several of his visits to the store and it has been revealed that Smith has been a long-time client of the flower shop, though an unpleasant one, returning time and time again, blaming the arrangements and bouquets he purchased for failed attempts to woo targets of his affections.

In a brief interview conducted with Mr. Smith, it is clear to see that his surly disposition and blunt manner are clearly to blame and not the fault of any flowers. Once pinned with the accusations, Smith finally crumbled and admitted to the attack, citing a particularly embarrassing situation in which the lady in question was allergic to the bouquet he had chosen himself and had to be sent to the hospital with symptoms, as the last provocation before retaliating against the flower shop. Smith will be sentenced in early December.

Felix Prewett
Written by Bee ft. Lady