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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
November 12th, 1891
Gallery Launch Imminent
Portrait Gallery to Open Ahead of Schedule

Society's art lovers, rejoice: the promised magical extension of the National Portrait Gallery is set to open two months ahead of schedule!

Originally slated for a January debut, the Society for the Preservation and Popularization of Magical Portraiture has announced the wing will instead open on Saturday, 20th November, a sharp turnaround explained by a generous donation from a mysterious benefactor.

For its inaugural week, the Magical Portrait Gallery of England will charge no admission to those who wish to view the art, accessible via a magical panel in the muggle National Portrait Gallery. Volunteers from the SPPMP will be on hand to direct would-be patrons, and may be identified by winking cameos about their person. In addition, the gallery will play host to lectures and a ball on the evening of 26th November, coveted invitations for the latter of which have already been sent out.
Gulliver Doran
Written by Kayte