
Full Version: Hogwarts during the Summer
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So from the books, I know that Hogwarts has spells that inform the headmaster (and I presume deputy head and possibly HoH's) that someone is on the grounds but based on the fact that they couldn't keep out Voldemort, Sirius, Peter Pettigrew etc

I always presumed that there wasn't anything magical preventing people from entering the grounds, but rather that it wasn't possible to enter by stealth or by any means other than by foot/carriage. On the basis that as soon as you entered the staff knew you were there. It was why Malfoy needed to fix the cabinets so the death eaters could enter the heart of the school and already be inside before the wards alerted anyone to their presence.

Basically I'm wondering if Yuri would be able to go up and have a snoop around the grounds (not inside obviously) during the summer, or is there something physically preventing him.
Malfoy was also a Hogwarts shareholder or something like that so I assume he could easily get inside.

I imagine the Hagrid guy guards the school and you need a permit?
(June 26, 2020 – 1:35 PM)Meta Lestrange Wrote: [ -> ]Malfoy was also a Hogwarts shareholder or something like that so I assume he could easily get inside.

His dad was on the board of governors, which is kind of volunteer parental management - like THIS

Your probably right, I guess I'm wondering more if there is something physically stopping him like a shield or just good will and common sense.

(EDIT: For some strange reason - it also quoted a stamps post from AGES ago)
Pretty sure Phineas has to raise and lower the barrier to let people in and out so I'm not sure how much exploring would be possible! He could have a mooch about the shared grounds but wouldn't be able to get too close to the castle, especially as Phinface is still there for a portion of the summer.