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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
March 29th, 1888

Devine Weds Dippet
Lavish Ceremony In Ireland

Despite last minute fear mongering by those of our number more inclined to trust rumor than reason, Mr. Roberto Devine and Miss Ophilia Dippet were joined in marriage yesterday afternoon. The ceremony took place at the Devine estate in Ireland, where Mr. Roberto Devine was raised and where his two parents still reside.

Although the new Mrs. Devine has had relatively few chances to spread her wings where event planning is concerned, she already has something of a reputation among her social circle as an impeccable hostess, and the ceremony was exactly what one would expect from a woman who has already shown such a proclivity for throwing successful parties. Anyone who could be considered anyone was in attendance, and there was plenty of opportunity for socializing and shoulder-rubbing at both the cocktail hour before the ceremony and the open-ended reception which followed it.

The newlyweds spent their first night together at the Devine estate following the wedding before departing for their honeymoon. The two intend to live in Mr. Roberto Devine's Wellingtonshire estate upon their return, putting them in excellent position to become the new couple of the social season when it properly begins this spring — which we can assume Mrs. Ophelia Devine has every intention of becoming, given her record and reputation thus far.

Our best wishes to the happy couple.
Fidelia Spiller
Written by Lynn