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So I have a character who was living in India when she was school age

Pottermore says there are 11 big wizarding schools - bt there are only 7 detailed, and we know there are lots of little schools

'The Educational Office of the International Confederation of Wizards was responsible for cataloguing and overseeing wizarding schools around the world, namely the eleven oldest...' - Pottermore

I would assume there is a school for India/Pakistan etc since its a vast area but since its not on pottermore....

A - Should I either a - make up a small indian school? since we know there are other schools they just don't have the same impact as the 11 big ones

B - Let the admins make up the big Indian and/or Middle eastern schools that are then site canon?

C - Send her to Durmstrang who we know takes international students?
Hey Dante!

A couple years ago Hogwarts hosted the Pan-Magical Games between wizarding schools so we do have a few part of our own site canon, and conveniently one was based in India! ;)

Have a look here for the Mandira details!

Alternatively you could always go for "tutored at home" as an option for an international kid if that suits you better.
amazing! that takes care of that! <3