Hey! How long would it take for someone to fly from Hogsmeade to Irvingly?
According to the map I'd say 3ish hours, though tbh that thing we have for reference says 10 mins walking distance but then 15 mins if it is by broom, which I would personally say it'd be less? Because I imagine brooms can gain the speed of a car and like the same reason why it's 1 hour to go to go from Thessaloniki to Athens by plane, but it's 7 hours or something with a car. (thought tbh nobody would fly as high as a plane with a broom but still. I'd image it'd be quicker than walking)
Kaytephone: Or one min by floo ;)
11 mins ago
Kaytephone: Since horseback would be fastest of those but broom can fly more direct than that. Obvi if you’re driving a...race carriage (is that a thing) or killing your horse or on the fastest broom at max speed it’s quicker though
12 mins ago
Kaytephone: Let’s say 10? Hours CONSISTENT walking, 3 hours carriage, 2 hours horseback, 1-1.5 hours broomstick?
Quote:Because I imagine brooms can gain the speed of a car
The other thing to keep in mind is that there is nothing between you and the elements on a broom, and VE protective equipment is not really that great. So it's not like Cee's going to go 45 mph on a broom and then step off with her hair still done, you know?
The fastest cars available in the Victorian era only went 35 mph and ladies were wearing this shit to protect themselves, so. xD