March 25, 2018 – 3:00 PM
— The —
Daily Prophet
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
March 25th, 1888

Veela Strikes London
Pettigrew's Narrow Escape
With the well-known societal menace Threnody Mohr more or less confined to the shadows of society for the past year, many in the wizarding community might have thought themselves save from the advances of malicious seductresses, but as Mr. Albert Pettigrew discovered last night in London, that is not to case at all. Pettigrew was shopping in a magical area of London when he was cornered and attacked by a Veela right on the street.
The being in question appears to go by the name Juniper Lyness, wife of muggleborn wizard Andrew Lyness. It was previously assumed by most that Mr. Lyness had married a muggle, as his wife of several years had no interaction with the magical community prior to the union, but it is now obvious that the man has been entrapped. Muggleborn wizards, who do not have the background in the magical community, are particularly suceptible to the magical seduction of veela and largely unable to recognize the danger they represent.
That danger was all too clear yesterday, when the creature first lured Mr. Pettigrew in with her charms, then transformed into her foul true form in the middle of a crowded street. Luckily, Mr. Pettigrew was able to fend off her advances and escape the scene before she became violent, which likely saved those nearby from being engulfed in the flames Veela are known to produce when angered.
The presence of this second Veela having apparently attempted to integrate herself into wizarding society begs the question: are wizarding men safe anywhere? And what would have become of London had the altercation yesterday resulted in a deadly blaze? Should veela be allowed to roam the streets freely so close to large population centers (both magical and Muggle) when they have repeatedly demonstrated that they have essentially nothing in the way of either morals or impulse control?
The being in question appears to go by the name Juniper Lyness, wife of muggleborn wizard Andrew Lyness. It was previously assumed by most that Mr. Lyness had married a muggle, as his wife of several years had no interaction with the magical community prior to the union, but it is now obvious that the man has been entrapped. Muggleborn wizards, who do not have the background in the magical community, are particularly suceptible to the magical seduction of veela and largely unable to recognize the danger they represent.
That danger was all too clear yesterday, when the creature first lured Mr. Pettigrew in with her charms, then transformed into her foul true form in the middle of a crowded street. Luckily, Mr. Pettigrew was able to fend off her advances and escape the scene before she became violent, which likely saved those nearby from being engulfed in the flames Veela are known to produce when angered.
The presence of this second Veela having apparently attempted to integrate herself into wizarding society begs the question: are wizarding men safe anywhere? And what would have become of London had the altercation yesterday resulted in a deadly blaze? Should veela be allowed to roam the streets freely so close to large population centers (both magical and Muggle) when they have repeatedly demonstrated that they have essentially nothing in the way of either morals or impulse control?
Fidelia Spiller