
Full Version: I'm a Terrible Person, but Hey, Connections?
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So I've traded my soul to finally have a claim on Bree's soul, so come at me with your connections.

Quote:Maida ----- (née Carrow), Sister [1868] | The picture perfect image of a high society wife. Married to a respectable gentleman with one child and another one the way, there is nothing at all suspicious about her. Yet.

Does anyone have a potential in-law/wife that would fit for a marriage in around early 1887, with a first born later in the year? So far she is a fairly open book for now, and I would love to hear what you got!
Oh shoot. Before someone responds, she would likely be married to an UCPB! Sorry to not have mentioned that sooner!
Best I could offer is on of the various Valenduris in-laws