hi everyone,
it's me, beanie, the wayward fourth of your admin team. i could list the reasons i dropped off the face of the earth but the Important Thing to note is that i am now back, i am interested in having hobbies again, i am carefully blocking out charming time in my calendar so that i actually Do Things and Am Present. we're easing back into it, i am extremely trepidacious, i had a patented Kayte FT audio pep talk about it and i have POSTED today which is a big step at this point!
here's who i'm currently planning on bringing back
all of whom are extremely open for new threads or plots. i do not remember what they were up to several months ago so if you are a stakeholder in one of these characters and had something major happen hit me up - if it's happened on the board since, like, october? i probably don't know about it. i don't super want to revive any threads b/c the thought of doing so is sort of overwhelming, but if we had something wicked important going on lmk. i am down for new threads! i want new threads! hooray!
i think i'm currently maxing at 3 threads/character for the sake of Easing and i want these threads to have a purpose - no meet & greets? but am otherwise wide open and super flexible. 'i would like a thread with the minister of magic where joe yells at him' is a valid reason to have a thread imo.
all of which is a long-winded way to say i am back, i want to actually be active and get back into it, love y'all
Beaaanieeeeeee, my other half, my mini-me, I have missed youuuuu and I'm super stoked you're back!
That said I have very little for you¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I could probably bring Nora around if you want her for Cash!
Art might like/be friendly with my newbie ?
Tala could be another option for me to bring back! I need peeps to have active plots going though, because that's the only way I can find motivation these days.
Happy to see you around!
Beanie!!! I'm super excited to see you back <3 Easing is good!
Melody and Ben eloped on 2/15. They're currently in Paris. I've head canoned that her and August were friends and she thought he might ask her to court, but that was probably just wishful thinking on her part.
I have a handful of others that I can throw at you if/when you have needs. That's just the important bit. Super stoked to see you!
Hello and welcome back! The likelihood of us knowing eachother is zero, as I’ve only been here for a couple weeks, but I am looking for new threads with both Avery and Warren’! If you’d like to thread with either, let me know!
Beans! I'm so glad to see you & hope all has been well! <3
I still have for Zelda! After having a baby she decided to go back to the hospital. I definitely need to get back in gear with her so I'd love to do a Dio/Zelda thread!
Idk who else I have, but there's always who I've sorta pushed into a position in the DMAC after an early retirement from the Auror Office. I always loved his threads with Justin, and the SWP gives them a reason to thread.
Hi love <3
Cash - I have some developing Tiberius things that will almost certainly lead to him wanting to check in and see how their 'deal' is progressing. Could be a thread in the next few weeks but could just as easily be letters because I'm all for making things easy. I also have a crazy busy schedule, so.
Zelda - Zelfred obvs. thing I did not mention that is also new: Alfred has a niece he never knew about before and her dad just died so she lives with Evander now. Alfred has some sort of tenuous custody situation if anything happens to him. It might come up eventually if they start talking again. xD
August - the earliest I might be bringing Thom back would be this summer but I have no actual needs for August. Except this acquaintance/connection to Melody is news to me so maybe he and Ben should meet sometime??
Art - Fun fact, decision to elope was made in Art's backyard in Bartonburg. I can fill you in later if you want BD Anyway, Ben is currently in France but I'd be super into a thread when he returns in April-ish or letters at any point <33
I have no dog in the fight, because its not work for me ....but I need and NCE threads!!
And is hosting a charity quidditch match and could do with more quidditchers - and might offer him a bit more cash to snag him for Puddlemere!
- would be lovely to have back because he and would be potential buddies as a fellow bleeding heart - especially interesting since the connection.
*celebratory rendition of The Jackal plays in the background*
Kieran and Morwenna? I'm thinking they've become a bit friendlier (I cba to thread out this development too much) and she asks his opinion about telling Mason? Obvs it's a Bad Idea but Kieran can feel free to give terrible advice and talk about Jude at length.
Zelda and Marlena could be bros? I see no need to thread this out unless something happens to one of them but just putting it out there.
I have for possible hurling with August or Cash. The former is prob more appropriate but the latter would be fun for a lavender relationship.
Otherwise all I have is another Quidditch-adjacent mom in that Art can be inappropriate with at parties.
I am always available for anything you need to make your life FABULOUS <3
Beaaaannnssss <3 <3 <3 So happy to have you back!
I have
to hurl at Cash and August if you like! For Justin I have and (networking update imminent xD) auror and head auror respectively. And then I know you don't want to revive old threads so I'm always down to do a sort of 2nd Meeting between Key and
Whatever you need to get settled back in at your pace!
Beanie <333 I can offer anyone anything at ANY TIME always, but off the top of my head...
Cash: Kristoffer is kicking around and side-eying him, and if Cash still isn't loving quidditch like he used to similarly disillusioned sponsor Theo can give him a talking-to?
Zelda: I'm gonna assume Zelda isn't still as angry with Ari as she was after his wedding, but hey. if zelfred starts happening again he will be more supportive this time Also if Zelfred starts happening I can offer an Evander meeting.
Kieran: Kieraaaaaaaan <3 Jude is still pursuing the animagus research if Kieran hasn't successfully dissuaded him in the meantime, although I have not done much in the interim in case, so should get on with that xD Ishmael is always around as well for vampire shenanigans~
Oh and for once in my life I also have a semi-useful UCPB hurlable in !
hi fam!! thanks for the warm welcome! here are my thoughts
hello i <3 you, we've chatted
hello!! we have also chatted, excited for new things <3
hello!! I have nothing going on at Hogwarts rn so I don't think I have anything for Arabella, but I think that Avery could thread with either of (museum shit, magical accidents stuff, idk) or (they're UCPBs of around the same age and similar reputations, but August's family is a disaster, and he also hears rumors frequently.) Which would you prefer?
hey!! we should chat re: dio/zelda which absolutely should happen. i would also be into edric/zelda, or edric/ross re: the SWP.
a NIECE. okay i am 100% down for tib/cash things at any and all times but especially now; lmk when you're ready. i would also be down for a ben/august thread when ben is back, it can be awkward! also HOORAY ART'S BACKYARD.
arthur hates puddlemere on principle because of thom but is always down for a party and she can try!! thanks for the welcome back!
kieran and morwenna YES. yes to bros. i enjoy angeline as well in either capacity. also love harriet. let's move on kieran/morwenna tho??
hello, i'm love you, i skyped you
would love either ben or faustus for ross, which one needs stuff more! also, diana seems fun, lmk which of the two strikes your fancy
i need jk or i will die. also I think we can do something w/ Ishmael knowing kieran is a werewolf! i think that could be fun.
i also really want cash/theo?? i might make you something???
i think rosamund should meet august, they will either hit it off or be spectacularly awkward
if you have my skype hit me up if you want if you DON'T have my skype ask for it in cbox or get it from the CD xoxo <3 or continue replying here i am happy on all forms of communication!
So excited to have you back Beans! I dont think we had anything rolling, but if you stumble onto one of my peeps and want a plot just holler!