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I CAVED because I am WEAK. (But you guys know that already.)

Okay, so, I'm adopting Demeter. She is dramatic, which is the best. She's a pureblood who I'm hoping is born around 1847.

I thought it might be fun to try and find a bonus family connection. Does anyone have/want/need a sister, aunt, cousin, niece, sister-in-law, etc.? Her husband is dead, as well. In 1867.
Ucpb - Ginevra Blackwoods aunt - on her mum or dads would work.

Mcpb - aunt could also work for Benevolence Montague
Could do an offshoot branch of the Bulstrodes? An Umbridge aunt (if she went MC > UC)?
's mom was a Nott, could ask kelly about another Nott sibling? Alternatively, could be an Abbott herself? Will's dad could have had younger brothers that she married.
I would love to have a played sibling for Cassian Nott!
For middle class I have the Thompsett family. For upper class there is the Bellchant family