
Full Version: Adoptables and Tags
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Hello everyone!
So I've began to notice that quite a few members prefer to not have their alerts crowded by tags whenever my wanteds are updated, and I know I'm not the only member that tags potential ties for the sake of adding further incentive to making said wanteds for current and new members alike.

For the sake of making sure that ew very Charmer feels comfortable and doesn't feel bugged by constant tags, I have made a sheet for fellow members to let everyone else know 'hello, may you please not do that'. I have also made a row for 'All or Specific', which basically means 'no tags at all' or 'family and direct ties only'.

I personally try to at least add family for the sake of aiding in character creation so that nothing gets missed, but I personally will try to make an effort to put together the pretty profile links if that would make certain Charmers more comfortable.
I wanna know what Kayte is doing differently, because she's tagged me on 5 different accounts in hers and I never get alerts about any of them.

Like, seriously, is this the difference between double and single quote marks or something...?
(February 22, 2020 – 4:15 AM)Ophelia Devine Wrote: [ -> ]I wanna know what Kayte is doing differently, because she's tagged me on 5 different accounts in hers and I never get alerts about any of them.

Like, seriously, is this the difference between double and single quote marks or something...?

I don't know. I just know I keep getting mentioned in Cbox and IDK what else to do. This is how I try to get people's interest.
It may have something to do with editing in the quick editor vs full editor. That's my theory. At a guess I'd think a quick edit wouldn't re-tag whereas full edit would. That said why the hell aren't we all getting alerts when the Hogwarts roster, CD, pb list are updated? I can't imagine every member of staff is quick editing every time.
(February 22, 2020 – 4:51 AM)Ursula Black Wrote: [ -> ]It may have something to do with editing in the quick editor vs full editor. That's my theory. At a guess I'd think a quick edit wouldn't re-tag whereas full edit would. That said why the hell aren't we all getting alerts when the Hogwarts roster, CD, pb list are updated? I can't imagine every member of staff is quick editing every time.

Is there a way to turn off alerts for the adoptables pages?
(February 22, 2020 – 4:51 AM)Ursula Black Wrote: [ -> ]It may have something to do with editing in the quick editor vs full editor. That's my theory. At a guess I'd think a quick edit wouldn't re-tag whereas full edit would. That said why the hell aren't we all getting alerts when the Hogwarts roster, CD, pb list are updated? I can't imagine every member of staff is quick editing every time.

I can tell you rn that when I edit the CD I ALWAYS go Full Edit mode so I can do "preview" and not eff it up xD

And I think you might be right on that hunch of quick edit vs full edit, cause I think I've noticed that as well.
SO I always use the quick editor, but also I always edit with Aldous who is NOT the the poster of any of my want ad posts. My guess is on one of the two!
(February 22, 2020 – 11:31 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote: [ -> ]SO I always use the quick editor, but also I always edit with Aldous who is NOT the the poster of any of my want ad posts. My guess is on one of the two!

I bet it's definitely the latter if it's not both! That would definitely make sense because the alerts come through as "Account Name tagged you" so if you've edited with another account it probably throws the tagging process off.
If ^that^ is the case and it'll tag accounts regardless if you're using the same account (like most of us are), maybe a good compromise for all the non-mods would be to link to profiles instead of tagging? Functionally the same for people browsing and they still get the connections for their perusal, but no more tags for everyone else Smile
The tagging system is a mystery to me but I am here to tell Kelly, and anybody else, that I have no problem with being tagged in adoptable posts. It only takes a second to dismiss them anyway so don't worry Kelly! I enjoy knowing that you're thinking of my characters too when you write up adopts :D

/Lauren out
I don't mind if/when I'm tagged and I dont mind who. I tend to jump between accounts regularly so I dont mind who is tagged
Feel free to tag me as well. I'm so use to it being broken I rarely use the alert system at all.
Saaame, I don't mind being tagged in Adoptables!
Same sentiments as Lauren! I like seeing who could potentially be connections with my lot. <3