
Full Version: Updates on my life & Stolen Internet (you read it write)
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Hey, guys!!! So, as you know, I've been awful at posting anything for the past few months and basically keeping up with life and rping in general. HOWEVER. For the first time since this has started........................ I can finally say it's not my fault.

Okay okay hear me out. I already knew I'd be out for a week or two because of Xmas and New Year, I didn't know some God-forsaken creature would make my life more miserable by turning this time into even more weeks. I was at this wonderful place four hours away from my home (I call it 'wonderful' but in truth it's in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing to do SOMEBODY SAVE ME okay), and we had 3G just fine up until Christmas. Some people stole the signal thing from our 3G company so as it turned out I was out of internet/calls/any connection with the outside whatsoever for weeks.

[Don't ask me. I have no idea. That's what the company told us]

I was back home, then had to go somewhere else, the back again, now I have to go back there so it will be about another week until I'm here but yeah. I'm hoping this time - I've recharged my batteries, found my muse again, drowned myself into the certainty of loneliness - I won't be doing anymore disappearances.

Humor aside, I'm really sorry, guys. Since words don't do much for anyone, I won't be hanging on the CB before I know I have done all the replies I owe. I might be dropping some threads once I'm back but I'll talk to everybody individually.

Love you <3 this Brazilian weirdo misses y'all
Welcome back!! I hope life settles down for you soon <3
Welcome back my love!! <3 Real life happens and I'm so sorry about your situation! You're always welcome back anytime Smile Hit me up on Skype for any threads you want to continue, I am so down for any and all of them <3 <3 <3
I am glad you still exist and can't wait to thread with you again! <3