
Full Version: VERY old Charming! 1880-1883
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Look what I found?! Not all of it is working but some of the elements are still viewable!

The first post I can find of mine is July 4th 2011! But its a character application that says I'm already playing Phineas :D So I probably joined Charming in the month before!

it included the post where Phineas slips veritasarum into Ursulas drink!
I wander over there every now and again to grab bits of trivia about my crew!

Most if not all of the content there should be on our archive board, too!
(December 30, 2019 – 5:38 PM)Aldous Crouch Wrote: [ -> ]Most if not all of the content there should be on our archive board, too!

There are characters I had forgotten I played! like and some characters that I cringe to think of in terms of their Mary Sue-ism (ahh Lissy Fairfax)