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Grad school woes.

I lost these folks in the AC and unless anyone has an argument against it I'm inclined to let them stay dead:

is going away for other reason (namely she has nothing to do with her lil bro inactive).

My four active characters are:

I could definitely be talked into reviving Adam or Ernest — the former if anyone is particularly interested in continuing our threads or has an upcoming plot idea; the latter if he has anything to do (he died this month because no one replied to any of his threads D: )

This affects the following threads:
Mystery Inc with - this has just moved really slowly and it doesn't seem like either of us have time for this plot right now?

Banging & Fanging with - I'm really sorry to drop it but I know we've both been busy, and we still have the Felicity/Ben/Crouch Bros thread - is this okay with you?

Time is flying never to return - which I think can be wrapped without further intervention from... maybe anyone? Maybe one more post from Arven?

Can't Fix Tomorrow with - what do you want to do here? If Theo's inclined to make a quick exit we could just call it a wrap? But I'm up for reviving Adam

New Blood and An Expedition Afoot are both group threads, y'all can just continue on without me and NPC some Adam-background-noise

Summer Solstice Party with Leif Heaney - maybe an interruption from another NPC partygoer could bring their conversation to an end and we could wrap it there?
(October 7, 2019 – 1:02 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote: [ -> ]CRIPPLE CRIPPLE CRIPPLE

I'm really sorry Lynn! I mentally died September, and I'm really sorry for all of y'all that I let down as a result. Would you be up for Ernest threads? And the Adam and Earth thread amuses me, I would be sad to see that end too soon. XD

I am inclined to agree with you on the Henrietta and Lou thread. Do you want to agree that he hired her, and we'll revisit this plot? Or would you rather say that he hesitated to hire her and hadn't gotten back to her or something?

Legit, I failed this month. I'm really sorry guys <3
(October 7, 2019 – 3:26 AM)Acacia Ruskin Wrote: [ -> ]I'm really sorry Lynn! I mentally died September, and I'm really sorry for all of y'all that I let down as a result. Would you be up for Ernest threads? And the Adam and Earth thread amuses me, I would be sad to see that end too soon. XD

I am inclined to agree with you on the Henrietta and Lou thread. Do you want to agree that he hired her, and we'll revisit this plot? Or would you rather say that he hesitated to hire her and hadn't gotten back to her or something?

Legit, I failed this month. I'm really sorry guys <3

Let's say he hired her and come back to that plot when it makes sense for both of us!

And I would love to revive our Ernest/Rosie threads! Adam/ Earth died but it also seemed like it was close to finished imo?
I'm more than happy to continue Theo/Adam if he's staying <3