It is nearing Christmas and with it will come the new year of 1889. There isn't a lot I want for Christmas but I do hope that Sweetie and Handsome will actually get along in the New Year. It is quite stressful to have to deal with them both as they are. So hopefully they will bury the hatchet and start acting as proper siblings should.
I also hope that I will do well in my OWLs. At the very least, I would like to pass all of them! I do well in some classes but some classes I simply cannot wrap my head around. I like to think that I'm an intelligent witch but some courses are just doing my head in.
I know it might be a lot to hope for but I also hope that there will be a lot less prejudice against my half-breed peers. I see what they go through each day and it is quite horrible, really. Blood purism makes no sense in general, I personally find. I doubt everyone is truly a pureblood, who can even trace their blood status that far back? It's ridiculous.
It is now the year of 1890, isn't that amazing? In ten years it will be a turn of a century which will be in my lifetime! I wonder what 1900 will bring? For now, I will focus on 1890. I do hope this year will go good for us but right now, it does not seem to be the case.
There has been several deaths and tragic incidents. A carriage accident and an explosion in Knockturn Alley for starters. Hopefully, things get better.
I went to watch the scrimmage and I must say, those Moroccans are something else. The curls on some of them! I finally know why all the other girls fussed. One of the chasers looked my way and I swear I could have fallen right out of my seat.
We are expected to write to a random boy for NEWT Etiquette. I have yet to get the letter from my pen pal and I am nervous. What things do I say to a boy? I have hardly ever spoken to one. Handsome hardly counts as one.
I am debuting tonight and I am nervous. Times like this, I wish our mother was still with us. Or even grandmother. It would make things a lot easier. The other girls in my dorm are a mix of reactions. Some are nervous like me, others are excited and some don't seem to particularly care that tonight is our Coming Out Ball. I wish I could be so unaffected but I am as excited as I am nervous.
I have a new gown for the occasion and it looks lovely. We will be fixing our hair soon and all I can think is that I hope I don't trip.
I went to the Destiny Hotel New Years Party and somewhat wish that I had not. I ended up in a dance with Frida's despicable brother. I bathed myself thoroughly as soon as I got home.
Tonight was the Coming Out Ball which kicks of my second season. I am still to wed though I do have some potential suitors. No one terribly exciting, though. Is it untoward to wish for someone exciting? Most of my friends make the seasons enjoyable though and they too have yet to find themselves formally attached.