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July 31, 1894 — Lochrin's

It was the first day of the busiest part of the year--that last month before Hogwarts started up, when Britain's youths (and their parents and/or guardians) descended on the shops of Hogsmeade and even shops like Lochrin's got extra business just because of the sheer volume. It would go back down to normal levels again come September, as it always did, and Protego probably shouldn't treat the whole thing like going to war, but he was nonetheless standing by the front window of his shop, coffee in hand, squinting dubiously out at the early morning foot traffic on the high street like a general preparing for battle.

The shop wasn't open yet--hence the coffee--but he had full view of the street, so when a knock came at the door, he at least knew who it was before he unlocked and opened. "Good morning, Isla."

"Protego, good morning, isnt it lovely out." she smiled as she kissed the air next to her brother's cheek and walked into the shop. It was a warm day and the streets if Hogsmeade was buzzing with prospective Hogwarts students and their parents all going about and buying things for the new term. They likely hoped to get a bargain, July was early shopping right? Isla scoped out the familiar shelves looking at the wares available. "Are you ready for the rush? We can't have been as boisterous as that when we were eleven can we?" she laughed. "Fully stocked and priced I see."

"Ready as one can ever be," Protego mused as he closed the door behind his sister. "I think they get more energetic with every year, if that's even possible." He moved back into the shop, setting his coffee down on the counter. "Have you come to help?" He shot Isla a smile. "Brave of you."

She grinned "It certainly seems that way." The children charging down the high street in top spirits was always a joy, but she wondered how that energy would translate to class when she arrived

The blonde cocked her head and shrugged. "Perhaps, I haven't a lot to do today, perhaps the stock room might need a woman's touch." She stuck her tongue out and tried to peer behind him. It was a little treasure trove back there. "Do you have anything curious in?"

Protego snorted. "The store room actually could do with some reorganizing, now that you mention it." He liked to claim that there was a method to his organizational system, but that method was usually "throw things in a pile and hope for the best when he needed to find them again."

"Patronus sent me a few things last week that weren't selling at the London shop," Protego said. "To see if I can make something out of them." He gestured for Isla to follow him into the aforementioned mess that was the back storeroom. "I've got a set of magic lock boxes now on my hands to try and make something more interesting out of."