January 31, 2025 – 6:12 PM
January 25th, 1895 — Location
After failing to proceed to the next round of the Potions Competition - which, she had been disappointed by the loss, but not surprised; her lack of experience in professional potioneering was not to her advantage, but there was always next year! - Victoria opted to head into work early. With a potions event of this magnitude, it was always a good idea to have an extra pair of hands on deck in case of any potential potions accidents - and in her experience, there was usually that one competitor who overestimated their skill and wound up needing medical assistance afterward. While she hoped this wouldn't be the case, it happened often enough for her department to be prepared for it.
Tori had just returned from the breakroom where she was having a spot of tea to a summons from the Artifact Incidents department, requiring her help with an exploding cauldron case, and unsurprisingly, the patient was none other than a competitor from the potions competition. The patient’s file was flipped open in front of her as she boarded the lift, her mind turning over possible diagnoses as it moved upwards. The most common mistake with a Calming Draught was too much peppermint oil, but clearly something else had gone amiss for the cauldron to explode. Had the potion been too hot when the crocodile hearts were added in? Tori supposed she would find out once she got there.
The door was slightly ajar when Tori arrived at the patient’s room. She rapped her knuckles lightly upon it as stepped in, pushing the door open further to announce her presence. “I’ve been summoned?” She called out to its occupants, a polite smile on her face.