January 27, 2025 – 12:23 AM
January 25th, 1895 - Crowdy Memorial Library
Marley was three months old now and Elsie was doing a few hours here and there at the library again. It felt good, now that she was more recovered, to be out and about again. She loved her babies, obviously. There was also something about being back to work that had her feeling more herself than she had in a long time. Els was not cut out to stay home full time. Despite the somewhat-regular arrival of her children, she would be remiss to give this up any time soon. Perhaps a longer gap this time would help. At least that was the goal. Who knew what would happen in reality.
Today she was only in to help out behind the desk for a few hours. Marley was a champion napper and could go for a decent stretch without her, so Elsie was taking advantage. She wasn't quite up to reshelving or moving around too much yet, but she was good at pointing people in the right direction and bookkeeping from her perch behind the large desk near the front entrance.
A cold wind swept through as the doors opened and Elsie smiled from the cushioned stool she was perched on. She tried not to be too intrusive when people first came on, offering a welcoming smile before anything else. Most people who came in knew what they were looking for and where to go, but not always and Elsie was available in that case. She tucked a few cards back in their slots in the draws when she realized someone had indeed approached the desk. "Good afternoon," she greeted with another warm smile, realizing she recognized who it was coming her way. "Something I can help you with?"
Today she was only in to help out behind the desk for a few hours. Marley was a champion napper and could go for a decent stretch without her, so Elsie was taking advantage. She wasn't quite up to reshelving or moving around too much yet, but she was good at pointing people in the right direction and bookkeeping from her perch behind the large desk near the front entrance.
A cold wind swept through as the doors opened and Elsie smiled from the cushioned stool she was perched on. She tried not to be too intrusive when people first came on, offering a welcoming smile before anything else. Most people who came in knew what they were looking for and where to go, but not always and Elsie was available in that case. She tucked a few cards back in their slots in the draws when she realized someone had indeed approached the desk. "Good afternoon," she greeted with another warm smile, realizing she recognized who it was coming her way. "Something I can help you with?"