
Full Version: Introducing Kelly
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Hey Guys, Look at my shiny new... guy! This here <<< is Kel, or Kelly Wildsmith. He's also known as the tribute to all my work related woes and therefore will probably spend his life complaining about customers and customer service because he's the worst Upper Class agent there is but his ancestor invented the damn thing so there's that.

Floo Employee | UCHB | Hufflepuff 1877 -1884 | rep 8 | Second Son and Not Good Enough (Don't count on his inheritance ladies)

Who is he? Kelly comes from the Wildsmith family, and is descended from Ignatia Wildsmith who is notably credited for developing the Floo network. He's a second son whose lived his life in his brothers shadow enduring the unfavourable comparisons and scorn from his parents and as such has an inferiority complex that has made him quite the follower. He isn't particularly good at putting himself out there nor can you count him as somebody who succeeds against the odds or is particularly brilliant (he is decidely average, unfortunately). He works for the Floo department as an Employee, (not even ae manager! To his parents scorn) and would be perfectly happy if everything continued the way it has always done and if he could maybe find somebody, fall in love and they... tolerate him.. and marry that would be fantastic. (He has a low bar for such things).

Unfortunately for Kel's dreams is that fact that Kayte is our Satan and Persy is her character to make her dark plotty dreams come true he and his cousin, and their friends did something stupid one night and now are essentially cursed and unable to talk about it due to an Unbreakable Vow as whatever they did seems to be picking them off.

Do you have
  • School Connections : Kel was a Puff from 1877 -1884; He has a childhood connection to , , and as Persephone and Cleon used to live close to his cousin "Henry" whom he summered with check out Kayte's plot pals Wink Henry especially is of interest to me Wink however as none are currently in his year and I'm hoping he actually had found friends in his own year. He took Ghoul Studies, Earth Magic and Arithmancy for his OWLs and for NEWTS he took Alchemy, Goobledgook, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and Ghoul Studies.
  • Friends: Include the aforementioned childhood friendship group. Publicly he attempts to be happy, fun-loving, the guy whose always willing to give anything a go, he's hardworking and a steadfast friend who will go out of his way to help anyone in need and tries to be responsible. Its' likely he's an introvert acting as an extrovert as he is heavily insecure so if you'd be friends with that guy let me know. [side note: he's new and I'm still feeling him out so hit me up with any ideas. Networking threads are... not my strong suit. I'm happy to do past threads to try and work out what works]
  • Somebody with a membership at Excalibur/live there as well?
  • People from the Ministry, the Floo department, have floo issues or require one to be installed.
  • potential hurl fails. Kel has on multiple occassions stumbled at attempting to hurl - perhaps due to being a second son with no inheritance? perhaps his family are sabotaging him? perhaps he's cursed? though it's likely that as he was never particularly good at socialising, small talk or dealing with most girls it may be just his lack of charisma. Are you a hurl fail? (again happy to past thread)
  • ...... and I mean I could be nice to him and actually do actual hurling but er-as I am also not gifted in this topic I warn you now chances of success may be limited.

Any other suggestions welcomed, mostly because it has been a long time since I've actually done an adult and he's a new baby.
was in the year above him and also in Hufflepuff. He's always been a big ol' nerd, but he'd have been friendly enough regardless.

I also have and as my ministry people if either of them spark interest!
Tori here is too young to be a school friend, but I can offer her as a hurl-fail or an actual-hurl interest! She's also a healer and her parents own a pet shop on High Street, so can be available for healing and pet needs, as well. Smile
Ford was his dormmate at Hogwarts (I think, notoriously bad at date math) but also hates Cleon so that's fun. The hating Cleon thing is a post-school development though xD
Yay coworker! Can we have something in the office bitching about work with him and please? <3

was in his year (Gryffindor) tho is probs closer friends with Cleon, but if Kelly can stand the joking/outgoing type and prodding towards fun Tyb is more settled and chill than he used to be, and they both work at the Ministry now so could be pal-ish?

For past fail!hurls would have given him murder glares if he had ever tried to talk to her at parties. For nowadays I mostly have who is not ready to settle down but does enjoy making introverts uncomfortable by being flirty just for jokes!

also works in the wider dept of transportation and is Kristoffer, so. Probably not a friend. xD
So Persy, obviously. They haven't been close since Baxter's Knoll, but they still consider one another friends and will socialize if they see one another. Her letter is basically the vibe and they'll reconnect more as she explores her most recent oopsie <3

Other connections:
  • lived at Excalibur until this past autumn so there's the social aspect, but Kelly may well have been hauled out to set up floo at some of the projects Greg was involved with, too.
  • is your boss's boss. If he knows you exist, it's only because you're wealthy.
  • I've got potential hurling fails for you in , who already tells me she doesn't have the time of day for him, and who both has challenges and is herself a challenge.
Dean here was a Gryffindor a year ahead, he works in Magical Coop as a translator!

is the quidditch league director, also a year ahead and a Ravenclaw!

is sort of a colleague, he works in the Broom Regulatory Office and is only a couple of years younger.

& were classmates, though different houses. Angie works in Magical Accidents and Catastrophes now!

I've got several other ministry men, is a couple years older, but was also a Hufflepuff.

My hurl option for either fail! or serious! is
and are my two Ministry ladies!! And my two hurling options are and Philomena here :D
We talked about Ivy! has purposefully broken her family's floo so she can observe Kelly's coworker. He also would have been year mates with Cash so do with that what you will!