
Full Version: Seeking 30yo white male nerdy PB
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Hey guys,
I'm looking at making a floo "technician" also known as the poor bugger who is forced to deal with my work rage. He's doing double duty as Kayte Envy and I dont vibe with the Sam Tarly face haha... I'm pondering somebody like Chris O'Dowd but he's both too old and not ... scrawny/weedy/nerd (think Leonard from Big Bang whose also not quite right) enough to hit the spot.
Mekki Leeper
Luca Pasqualino
Michael Cera
Tony Revolori
Ewan Mitchell
Jimmy O. Yang
[Image: 6eb63c0af9fa7cd38d7fcc83cae2ffe92df2d6a3.gifv]

Young Peter Capaldi
Seconding Michael Cera & Ewan Mitchell!

Devon Bostick
Barry Keoghan
Josh O'Connor
Luke Newberry
Alex Lawther!