
Full Version: Seeking Playby!
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I'm looking for a new playby for . White, early 20s with dark hair are the hard sells but I would also love blue eyes or freckles?

For reference, Mary-Louise Parker is the playby for his mother as well as Freddy Carter and Dane DeHaan for his brothers.

I feel like Kata Mara in her brokeback mountain era could work as a daughter of mary-louise parker
Thomas Doherty! I'm on my phone otherwise I'd share a picture lol
Miles Heizer - dark hair, blue eyes but no freckles.
(October 23, 2024 – 7:11 AM)Violetta DeCroix Wrote: [ -> ]

I feel like Kata Mara in her brokeback mountain era could work as a daughter of mary-louise parker

lol Chris, the playby is for the man she linked xD

Also seconding Thomas Doherty, he shares traits of freddy and Dane, I personally think!
Ha! Me not reading the assignment properly