
Full Version: Children that don't have magical education
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What happens to children that either don't go to hogwarts at all or fail to complete the first year for whatever reason? (Be if simple failure to learn, expulsion, sickness etc.)

Is there an alternative or are they just let loose and if a problem comes up later with problematic magic they have to deal with law enforcement?
There are alternatives available (private tutoring or finishing schools for wealthy kids, trade apprenticeships or the domestic service institute for less wealthy kids) but they're all things you or your parents would need to seek out and opt into. There's no mandatory fallback education as education was considered more of a luxury than a need in the Victorian era.
(September 28, 2024 – 4:14 PM)Fortitude Greengrass Wrote: [ -> ]There are alternatives available (private tutoring or finishing schools for wealthy kids, trade apprenticeships or the domestic service institute for less wealthy kids) but they're all things you or your parents would need to seek out and opt into. There's no mandatory fallback education as education was considered more of a luxury than a need in the Victorian era.

Lynn is right, and folks who exhibit inappropriate magic later will likely be arrested by the Improper Use of Magic office!