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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
6 June 1894
Church Protests "Unnatural" Menagerie
God-Fearing Fear Bones, Too

A small portion of the magical community is decidedly not enthused by an upcoming exhibition.

The so-called "Bone Menagerie" is setting up shop in Hogsmeade's Padmore Park next week, and will host an assortment of re-animated animal skeletons; these will primarily be mundane, though the exhibit does feature bones of magical beasts as well. Flyers were posted both in the town of Hogsmeade and at the Museum of Magical Miscellany advertising the event last month, giving time for some members of the community to organize.

"To make light of death goes against God Himself," a spokeswizard for the Church of Magical Jesus, a group expnding on muggle religious doctrine, insists. "We as a magical community have laws against the practice of necromancy and so recognize that some lines must not be crossed. How is this any different? Why is this tolerated?"

This marks the first time since the Laughing Plague that the Church has spoken out so publicly on any matter, and its followers have been spotted in Hogsmeade, Irvingly, and London distributing pamphlets urging others to boycott the event.

The organizers of the Menagerie, however, remain unpurturbed, and say they are eager to bring the fruits of their labours to Hogsmeade from 12th to 16th June.
Gulliver Doran
Written by Kayte