April 11, 2024 – 7:03 PM
Plunkett General Goods | Since 1877
Sorting Details
Business Name: Plunkett General Goods Current Owner: Bertram “Bert” Plunkett
Contact Player: Fallin (
Hiring: Check with Owner
Threadable: Yes
Basic Information
Established: Fall of 1877
Location: High Street, Hogsmeade
Nature of Business:
Target Clientele:
Other Details
Description of Location: The store front is a warm welcoming environment with Betty often working on her trades and happy to set aside whatever she is doing to help a customer. The wood is warm and seems to shine (from Mrs. Plunkett's cleaning enchanted cleaning supplies), with large windows that face onto high street. There are often goods set up outside of the shop as well and on warmer days Mrs. Plunkett will spend her time there. It is full of useful items, but is spacious enough not to seem cluttered or crammed with items.
Other Notes:
- East Ridge Farm supplies many of the goods for the Plunkett General Goods and other businesses on High Street. This includes honey from their own beehives, cheese from their own cows, milk and eggs from their animals, wine from their vineyards, wool yarn that is spun by Mrs. Plunkett, furniture made by Declan, woven fabrics which Mrs. Plunkett weaves, giant pumpkins, many varieties of large produce, lotions and poultices of Mrs. Plunkett’s invention, apples from their orchards, and blueberries from plants Betty brought over when they married.
Additionally the General Store tries to carry local goods as well as foreign goods.
- Mrs. Betty Plunkett is the store manager with Cole and Fred Plunkett often helping out as well
See For More: It's a family run business and as such here is the available family!